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it was already 2pm and the group finally made it over to the front desk where chongyun greets the worker upfront. in response, the worker smiles, beginning to explain the rules based on the omegaverse regulations.

"hello, welcome to the Teyvat Dormitory. we are pleased to have you guys stay for a period of time. so please, take these two rooms and share it amongst you and another roommate." the worker pauses, taking out the two dorm keys and placing them on the desk. "however, bare in mind, once your confirmed rank is placed, you will have to switch rooms accordingly to what rank you are." the worker explains briefly.

"thank you" chongyun replies, grabbing the two dorm keys. he then proceeds to head over to his group. "here razor" chongyun smiles, passing one of the keys to razor, which razor swiftly catches it in his hand. "take the key and room with bennett. from the time being ill just room with xingqiu. message us when you guys are all ready. oh! and also, make sure not to settle in yet until your rank is confirmed." and just like that, the blue males headed off, leaving bennett and razor.

razor then studies the key, trying his best to take in all the information that he was given. it seemed overwhelming for him since he was usually used to the step by step process, but in the end he took the key from chongyun and peered over to bennett.

"bennett. room key..i have"

however, there wasnt answer. but in the end, razor gently nudged the daydreaming omega, snapping him out of his own thoughts. "oh! s-sorry about that razor. we should head over to our room now.."


it took quite some time to reach the following destination, but once they arrived, bennett quickly ran into one of the rooms. plopping himself against the comfy soft fluffy bed that had one singular pillow. it was a bit kid-ish, but hey, living in dorms should be an experience worth while.

"razor! the beds are really comfy! you should enter in your room. oh! and there is also a soft comfy pillow." bennett shouted. razor stepped closer to bennett's room looking over at the relaxed omega who basically curled himself against his bed. it seems that bennett has already found his room to say in.

razor chuckled, proceeding his way over to the bed. he then plops down on the bed besides bennett.

"bennett right. bed soft. very comfy." razor replies, shutting his eyes for a moment. oddly enough, this would sound overdramatic but its almost like he hasnt fell asleep on a bed in days.

"hey razor..your taking up so much space on the bed. leave some room for me too. wait a have a room too razor! dont you want to check it out?" bennett let out a sigh. there was no use on moving razor. when it comes to razor he has a tendency to be a heavy person when getting up.

lazily, bennett sat up on his knees. carefully he nudged razor but nothing seemed to work. but as all hopes were lost, it wasnt the very end.

"r-razor! ..w-what are you.."

without warning, razor consciously shifted on the bed. and at this point..

razors head was placed on bennetts lap.

bennett was panicking. he stumbled a lot on his words and what made it worse was of razors arms were wrapped around his waist preventing him from moving. suddenly, razors arm tightens around bennetts waist, pulling himself closer as he nuzzled on cotton felt material of bennetts shirt.

poor bennett. at this point bennetts mind was completely fried. not to mention, his poor heart that feels like its going to pop out of his chest at any moment. however, this moment felt..nostalgic.


"huh? are you tired razor?" bennett asked, taking another bite of his lunch.

in middle school everything was different. it was much more crowded and life wasnt always too unfortunate. but what bennett cherished most was his past memories.

slowly bennett raised his hand calmly stroking razors head. he smiled brightly as he couldnt help but feel a certain sense of calmness.

if bennett could remember correctly, razor and him were on the rooftop. usually it was nice and peaceful and both really enjoyed the fresh air that surrounded them.

gently, next to bennett, he placed his lunch down.
or well..tried too.

in the very end, he ended up dropping the entire thing causing a huge mess. it was a painful sight but razor wasnt going to let his friend go starving. instead, he gave his lunch to bennett and helped cleaned up the mess.


'but what was this moment so different from what it originally was?' bennett covered his face hiding his embarrassment.

(un)luckily, this event didnt last long as bennett jumped as his phone began to rung inside his pocket.

"uhm..oops sorry about that razor i didnt mean to disturb you! i-ill just..uhm..take this real quick, ok?" bennett apologizes. he couldnt help but feel really guilty about leaving razor all of a sudden, but maybe this mightve been an important call?

bennett sighed, calming down his heart rate. he then answered the call. but this time it was just xingqiu who picked up.

"hey bennett, did you decide on what restaurant yet?" xingqiu asks.

shoot. bennett forgot about the restaurant plan. after what was happening he didnt realize it was already 20 minutes thats passed. and knowing him he wasnt really sure on a great outlet to eat at. since he usually eats at home.

"u-uh..oh yeah! about the restaurant, about the good hunter? yknow, that good restaurant down at monstadt city." bennett answers.

phew, luckily he thought of the good hunter. when he was younger he usually heared a lot about the good hunter from his dads. they would usually tell him stories where and how most of their home cooking were simple dishes that came from the good hunter. its honestly surprising that he still remembers that name after many years.

"hm..hey chongyun! have you heard of the good hunter yet? no? well alright then, that settles it. we'll meet eachother in about 10 minutes. me and chongyun will be infront of your dorm." xingqiu announces, ending the call.

and just like that. off the boys go on another adventure or just a roadtrip towards the good hunter.

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