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xingqiu stood there in silence.

he wasnt sure wether or not to feel bad for bennett or he should just face the consequences later in life. but either way, xingqiu just couldnt believe what he was hearing.

"wait so...let me get this straight. you told the doctor..WHAT NOW?" xingqiu replied.

bennett was a total mess. he had his head against the table with a miserable expression on his face. it was hard to tell wether or not he was dying of embarrassment or flustered. either way, it might be both at this point.

"i told the doctor..i have a mate."

the entire room was silent. no one said a thing after that statement. thankfully, xingqiu was the first one to break the awkward silence by bursting out laughing. in fairness, he really trying his best to keep his composure, but as soon as bennett repeated the line he dreaded the most, it was over for him.

" stomach hurts!" xingqiu laughed, holding his stomach as he held the counter for emotional support.

"you dont need to rub it in xingqiu!" bennett snapped, dreading the feeling as if he had salt sprinkled all over a deep wound.

xingqiu composed himself. but the hints of giggles were still audible to hear. "im sorry my liege!! but the way you explain the story almost sounds fabricated! how in the world does that happen? did you try to deny it at first?"

bennett leaned his entire body against the cold stone counter, feeling the need to cry of embarrassment. "i panicked..i had my mind on razor the entire time i was doing the survey of questions. and as soon as the doctor asked the question i mumbled razor's name on accident..I DIDNT WANT TO DENY IT BECAUSE I WAS EMBARRASSED! oh my such an idiot! i cant face razor ever again.."

"pft..youll get over it in no time. but hey, on the bright side you guys technically treat each other as if you two are a pair. in this situation, it wouldve been worse so its not that bad~" xingqiu hummed calmly enjoying every moment of this conversation, while comforting his emotional wreck best friend beside him.

even after all the comforting he was receiving, bennett was technically dying at this point. how could he have let his imagination get the best of him?

the entire time, bennett had an upset frown on his face. however, he paused in place. he thought to himself for a moment as he constantly repeated xingqiu's line over and over inside his head.

'me and razor? a pair..'

bennett's heart beat quickened. he never really thought that way about razor? but somehow he feels doubtful deep down, but something about that idea..really wasnt that bad. was it normal for people to be thinking this way about your friend?

(⚠️tiny bits of "innocent" dirty talk up ahead⚠️)

bennett was trapped in a sea of thoughts. just thinking about the way razor would wrap his arms tightly around his waist and that sweet sensation of a kiss against his lips that fit like puzzle pieces was sending bennett crazy. not to mention the mixture of the bittersweet wolfhook berries and windwheel asters complimenting each other perfectly was sending him in a daze.

oh dear archons..why was he doing this to himself?

bennett hid his face against his hand, feeling a little bit shaken up over his tiny fantasies.

it was only then bennett realized what he was thinking..wasnt normal. but really, what even is normal anymore? from the very start, this entire series hasnt been a spoon full of normal.

"you must be thinking of something great." xingqiu out of nowhere jumped in with a cheeky smile on his face.

bennett snapped back in reality, "WHA- no, no, NO! y-you're..."

he paused. there was really no way for him to lie about it..when he truly was thinking about something.

"mhmm~ do you want to explain what it was about, my liege?" xingqiu asked nicely, with the same cheeky look on his face as if he discovered something new.

"i-its nothing!"

"you spacing out, blushing, muttering to yourself without realizing it doesnt seem like nothing to me," xingqiu chuckled. "as much as i really want to know, im sure you'll tell me eventually, but for now..we should meet up with chongyun and razor. i got a message saying they finished their afternoon classes and since we already finished our classes we should have a little fun."

bennett lifted his body off of the counter. "fun?"

" a double date."

bennett playfully sent a flying punch against xingqiu's shoulders. "oh shut it.."

"ok but for real though, chongyun and razor said they want to take a look around the nearby mall for an hour or two. they said they might have some interesting outlets and even a delicious dango stand nearby that sells the best dango and milktea." xingqiu contently replied, feeling overly excited about the nearby mall.

possibly because of all the dango and milktea was making him ready for the amazing trip to desert heaven.

"alright then, thats settled! dango and milktea here i come!!" xingqiu chanted racing out the door, leaving bennett behind stunned by how fast xingqiu sprinted.

however, after a couple of minutes with double checking with all of his stuff, he was all set and chased after xingqiu with a huge smile on his face because he too was also excited to try the top notch amazing deserts.

maybe this is probably a double date.


sorry for the short update.

ive been focusing a lot on school and ever time i tried writing a chapter i didnt really like my writing style..

thank you for waiting patiently!!

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