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"say..chongyun," xingqiu hummed contently. "arent the two in the back reminding you of a little something~" xingqiu laughs quietly.

chongyun let out a huge sigh. "xingqiu, you shouldnt be staring at them like that-"

before chongyun was about to finish his sentence, xingqiu playfully slapped him on the shoulder. chongyun glared back at his lover beside him.

as far as chongyun has known xingqiu, he was always like this. honestly its shocking to say the least, since he always seemed intelligent and graceful. but in reality he was like a child soul inside of an adults body. playing pranks, uncontrolable laughter, and the constant need to tease was one of xingqius playful signs.

"cmon! just look at these guys, chongyun. there like two peas in a pod." xingqiu exclaimed.

"not right now, xingqiu. im driving." chongyun turned down. "you should probably wake them up soon. we are almost close to our destination."

since then, it was already 7 minutes after the events took place. oddly enough, the college dorm parking lot was nearly full, leaving probably 5 spaces open. but luckily they managed to get one close to the dormitory.

as soon as chongyun parked, he swung open the door, exiting through his side. xingqiu also followed along, but he couldnt help but notice chongyun letting out a huge sigh, "i cant believe these two actually slept the entire trip. xingqiu then hummed a satisfied response, remembering the two in the back that were still comfortably sleeping next to one another.

impatient, chongyun opened the backseat door, nudging razor who soon let out a groan in annoyance.
"wake up already, we're already at the dormitory!"

slowly, razor raised one eye, yawning as he nuzzled his head against the bennett's pale white hair that glistened in the sunny rays. "" razor mumbled, clearly didnt listen about chongyun's statement earlier.

"yeah! so cmon lets go. can you also wake bennett up? ill help xingqiu grab stuff out of the car! just meet us when your fully awake." chongyun directed, closing the door, just leaving the two of them alone, kind of. since the back was open, chongyun and xingqiu moving stuff out of the car was already louder than anticipated.

slowly, razor managed to stay awake. but in this case, he was getting a tad bit distracted from what he was suppose to do. i guess catching a glimpse over his shoulder was already starting to catch his attention. however, razor snapped out of his own thoughts, remembering that they are already at the dormitory parking lot.

steady, razor placed his hand ontop of bennetts head, rearing himself closer towards his ear whispering, "bennett..up. we here." in response, bennett's eyes fluttered open. he then slowly rubbed his eyes with his hand and yawned as he was pretty fatigued from the lack if sleep last night.

"are we here, razor?" bennett asked.

razor nodded, repeating his response, "we here."he then gently patted his hand against the soft and smooth textured pale white hair. oddly enough it reminded him of faint memories back in the day when he was still living in the forest.

"i-i think we should go now, razor. after all, we still need to get our stuff in the back." bennett mentions, grabbing hold of razor's hand with a noticeable slight pink shade covered against his face. 'he's really close..'

30 minutes later;

majority of the time was usually spent on the two sleepyheads who were finishing up on grabbing their stuff. while chongyun and xingqiu were patiently waiting beside the car.

"bennett, are you have trouble?" chongyun asked. embarrassing enough to admit this, but yes, bennett is having trouble trying to pull out one of the lugages from the car.

"im fine! i got this.." bennett answers. however it was obvious as he was struggling to reach over and snag the strap of his bag.

in the end, bennett sighs, "ok, ok, im having trouble grabbing the strap from all the way in the back. my arms dont seem to reach from all the way in the back."

however, before xingqiu and chongyun came to help the struggling omega infront of them, razor came by and quickly snagged the strap. swiftly dragging the lugage out of the car.
"here, razor got it."

in the end, razor was the one to pull out the bag, which left them walking over to the dormitory. in the meantime, the team decided to discuss over some plans once settled in their dorms.

"say..xingqiu, did you ever decide on what we're doing after moving in?" asked bennett.

xingqiu then looked over to his shoulder smiling, "now that you mention it, i did have a plan." suddenly xingqiu pauses, looking directly at chongyun with a cheering expression. "a little someone didn't like my brilliant ideas!"

chongyun knew what xingqiu meant and he shivered as he felt xingqiu's hand placed on his shoulder. chongyun then looked back at bennett. "me and xingqiu were talking about plans while you were sleeping and i denied most of his requests on taking us to the restaurant, "liyues specialties". which was basically a diner for extra spicy liyue entrees."

suddenly, the mention of spicy foods caused an ever lasting tingling sensation on top of bennetts mouth that he cant ever forget.

in middle school, the team decided it was best to eat at a spicy food stall suggested by xingqiu. and since most of the food was a mild spice, bennett could remember that one dish that set his mouth ablaze. and till this day bennett always remembers to bring spare water bottles whenever going out with xingqiu.

"food too spicy. tongue hurts" razor mumbled. he wasnt too fond of the idea either.

"aww..but its 10x more fun when i eat with you guys. surely the spice can't be that terrible." xingqiu protest. the tension soon rose as the rest of the team stopped and had disbeliefed eyes rearing at him. xingqiu then lifted his hands up in defeat "alright! then lets have bennett decide on plans."

"what! w-why me?!" bennett yells, pointing to himself.

"1. because no one likes spicy restaurants. 2. because you asked me first. and 3. im interested in what you would pick." xingqiu gleefully explains, holding fingers up for each statement he mentioned.

bennett sighs, feeling the doubtful energy placed on his shoulders. almost like it was a concrete brick holding him down. his thoughts then kept circling back into wether or not the others would like his suggestion.

however, while bennett was already beginning to think of a plan, they already reached to the front of the dormitory.

'ill figure something out..later..'

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