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"bennett, I..."

"ah— bennett! t-there you are!"

the moment stopped. bennett eyes widen. that voice came from behind him. it was familiar. the voice was soft and had a distinct raspy tone, only one person could have that voice.

that person must be..

"mi..mika?" bennett muttered.

he glanced at mika, then back to razor. razors scent went sour. his expression changed from a smile on his face to one with disappointment. with the change of the mood, he immediately let go of bennett's hand and shoved one of his hands in his pocket, while the other one rubbing against the nape of his neck.

razor felt upset and pissed at the same time. it was hard to explain what he felt. but whatever it was, he hated it.

just reminiscing the moment slip from his fingers irritated him.

"what are you doing here?" bennett asked with a confused expression on his face.

bennett couldn't comprehend what was going on. his face felt hot and the heat from razors hand still lingered. dear archons that moment was intense.

just what was razor about to tell him just now?

"bennett? bennett..hello??"

bennett nodded his head. for a moment he was deep in thought, but the sound of his name being called snapped him back into reality.

"d-did you hear what i said..earlier?" mika asked.

something about mika didn't quite sit well with razor. although he was behind bennett, he made sure to observe every detail in the people he lays eyes on. mika was timid, shy, and had a light pink blush on his cheeks when he's talking with bennett. his scent was faint, yet razor could tell very well how the sweetness of his blueberry scent spiked up from zero to one hundred.

mika was indeed a beta.

razor felt slightly annoyed acknowledging this.

"oh sorry! i was just lost in thought..haha. what was it that you wanted to tell me?" bennett replied.

"u-uhm..well here!" mika ruffled through his pocket. he took out what looked to be a yellow folded sticky note. "i just wanted to give y-you this. its my number..so call me anytime or text me..whatever you prefer!"

mika bowed, holding out the yellow sticky note.

just before bennett reached for it, bennett felt a hand against his waist and a chin resting against his shoulder. he was pulled back, but not to the point where he would fall over from the force. instead, he would stumble back with his two feet.

suddenly, a hand swooped by, snagging the yellow sticky note from mika's hand.

that hand belonged to razor.

razor lifted his chin off of bennett's shoulder, keeping a light hand against bennett's waist as he waved the yellow sticky note with his hand. he had a blank expression on his face. the same one bennett saw from the exit.

"razor will keep it. safe keeping." razor spoke quietly, but loud enough for both of the males to hear it.

before bennett was able to say anything to razor, razor walked away, heading to the direction of the dormitory. leaving both mika and bennett alone.

bennett sighed. he sorta knew something like this would happen. "uhm...hah. sorry about him. he isn't so social when it comes to talking with other people. he's my roommate, so i'll be sure to get the note back and text you."

mika smiled. from what bennett saw, mika wasn't too bothered about the situation. if anything, he was stunned, but who wouldn't be after someone out of no where swoops by and takes the note from you.

"uh..its no problem! if the note becomes lost, i can always give you another one. i-its a shame that my phone isn't on me right now." mika paused, looking directly at his hands with files. his eyes widen for a moment as he looked back to the school building then back at bennett. "ah! speaking of my phone, i should get going now. i need to give eula these student files..ill see you at class bennett!"

and just like that, mika was gone in an instant. that left just bennett.

suddenly, his legs began to wobble and finally collapsed. he sat on the ground, pulling his knees  infront of his flustered face. he covered his face, mentally screaming to himself.

"so close.." he muttered to himself. the moment from last time relasped in his mind. dear archons, how he wished razor finished those words.

super bad timing. bennett thought to himself. he let out a heavy sigh, getting up from the floor. he realized there wasnt a lot of time to sulk, so he began heading to the direction of his dorm.

this was going to be a long walk..

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