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"o-oh! xingqiu was wondering what you were doing right now. he's been calling and calling you but you havent been replying. so instead i decided to call you."

razor didnt reply. instead, he got up and off the bed with his phone in his ear. carefully, he lifted the clock on his vanity which pointed exactly at 12pm. displeased, razor sighed and apologized, "sorry. razor overslept."

ever since razor was younger, he was never the type to wake up late. but as years go by its been a habit lately. he usually wakes up in the morning as he should but he didnt really think much about it.

as soon as he got off the phone with bennett. instead of thinking more about his sleeping problem. he had done his usual routine and began to pack his bags for his huge long stay in college dorms. after getting done, he brought all his stuff downstairs and dropped them down near the front door. he then yawned when he continued to walk the kitchen where there was notes and food right beside it.

razor then carefully read the notes as he was warming up the food, smiling at his mothers words he wished to hear from them.

lisas note:
'good morning/afternoon razor. i hope your happy about your special day as your officially moving into your dorms. jean and i are so proud of you and want you to know to have a great day.'

jeans note:
'sorry about not being there for your official leave. but im sure you'll be fine knowing your already so grown up. lisa and i will make it up for you later as you come back on winter break, so you wont miss us that much. good luck with college and try your best.'

both lisa and jean were great parents. when razor was younger, he lived off in the forest for a long time. until, lisa took him in one day and treated him as her own son. at the time, lisa was only a single parent and only met jean shortly after, who cared for the both of them. however, jean worked in a high position at some place and wasnt always home, but the atmosphere was always so heart warming once she arrives. 

to razor, he couldnt help but be grateful to live in a home such as theirs. 

razor then brushed off the thoughts and quickly finished his food, before he could go back on his phone. obviously it was just a whole explosion of messages from xingqiu and chongyun, but before he could even read any of them, his phone began to rang, displaying the name "chongyun". 

razor then answered the call, pulling the phone towards his ear. "hey."

"razor are you ready right now?" chongyun questioned.

"yeah." razor answers, walking towards his bags as they were nearby his feet.

in the other end, chongyun sighed in relief. "alright, so me and xingqiu will meet you at the front of your house. by then, just wait for us in the front with your stuff."

as chongyun ended the call, razor shortly after placed his phone in his pocket, grabbing the remaining bags and placing them outside of the front door. it was pretty good timing as chongyun and xingqiu already pulled up to the front. razor then closed the front door and headed over to the car which the back was already open.

in the corner of razors eyes, he could see chongyun in the distance grabbing the heavy bags near the front door. however, it looked like chongyun was..struggling? suddenly, chongyun placed down the heavy bag and a huge "plop" was heard afterwards. 

"chongyun..alright?" razor questioned.

"d-do...hah..i look..fine??" chongyun puffed, trying his best to catch a breath. 

however, as razor was mostly worried about chongyuns condition, all you can hear in the background was laughing. that was certainly xingqiu in the background.

pissed off, chongyun stormed over to the car, opening the door. "you should do the work if all your doing was just sitting here!" xingqiu died laughing, holding his stomach in the process. "im sorry chongyun i just cant help myself!"

as long as razor has known them for, it was actually always this way. it would usually always be xingqiu to cause it even though he doesnt look like the type to do it. chongyun, on the other hand, usually never loses his mind off of others. but it always has to be the two of them that start the situation. its even more surprising that theyre together, but what can you say? they were pretty much childhood bestfriends.

instantly after razor got done packing his stuff in the car, he opened the door to the back seat only to be greeted with the familiar sweet windwheel aster scent that filled the back seat. razor slowly entered the car, sitting close to bennett who was sleeping peacefully. 

now that razor thinks about it, bennett being injured was always a common outcome for the unlucky omega. back when they were younger, bennett would always ask razor to go out for an adventure, but razor wasnt always so pleased to hear those words. as bennett wasnt always the luckiest person, razor couldnt help but be concerned for his friend.

blinded by razors thoughts, he felt a head laying against his shoulder. bennett's eyes fluttered open and the tamed sweet windwheel aster was no longer containable.

"razor..?" bennett mumbled out.

at this moment, razor didnt say anything. instead, he gently brushed the pale white locks, which covered the emerald green gaze of the other. razor smiled, placing his hand ontop of bennetts head. 

"sleep..bennett. we arent..yet there."

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