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"so bennett and razor, are you guys finally together or-"

bennett nearly spat out his drink.

"w-what..?!" bennett abruptly yelled.

bennett couldnt believe what he was hearing. i mean its not his first time ever getting that question..but a question like that..from fischl? now that was a little different.

luckily, she didnt really say it out loud. she whispered it to bennett but she couldnt help but laugh at the panicked expression. chongyun and xingqiu were starting their very own conversations. while razor..well bennett wasnt sure what he was doing, but he was scrolling through his phone.

at this point, fischl seemed a little too familiar. just like how a certain dark blue haired bookworm would always tease him about his obvious crush on razor.

"n-no we arent dating.." bennett muttered. having a hint of disappointment in his tone. his face was a flushed red and his ears had a burning sensation.

"bennett..say something?" razor questioned, looking directly at bennett. bennett was startled at first but he played it off as normal.

somehow, razor really has keen senses. for example, when it just comes to bennett alone he would always knows whats wrong. not to mention, he has keen hearing, meaning he listens really well all the time. but then again, razor has been like that ever since he met bennett. or maybe he was just being cautious over the unfortunate omega.

"i-i...uhm- its nothing really! me and fischl were just talking about schedules and planning our next hangouts. it would be really nice to have fischl come by and hangout once in awhile. right, fischl..?" bennett sputtered over his words. he really wasnt good at covering for himself. luckily, fischl was able to cover as well.

"mhm, i was thinking maybe december but then i realized my schedule is packed for those days. however, i do have time next week."

bennett sighed. subtly, as razor took his attention to his phone, bennett held a small thumbs up to fischl. razor noticed it but a small smile formed on his face. he didnt ask what it was about but for some reason he had a good feeling about it. possibly that might just be because of the warm familiar atmosphere.

"oh look, the foods here razor," bennett smiled, staring directly the food the waitress had in her arms. "good timing..haha..i was feeling really hungry."

"thank you for the long wait everyone. in my hands is the cold cut platter," the waitress held the food up high. "in my hands right here is the cold cut platter."

"thank you." chongyun smiled.

it was awhile before all of them had their dishes, but eventually it all happened around 30 minutes and bennett was already ready to try out his.

"mmm~! everything smells great! i cant ready to try it- eh..razor?" bennett paused. he didnt realize this at first but razor gently held bennetts hand firmly. was something wrong?

"bennett..dont use knife. its..dangerous." razor frowns.

when it comes bennett, he really hates how sharp objects are in bennett's reach. it just wasnt safe for him. bennett didnt realize how he was reaching out for the knife at first, but it was true. razor was pretty worried and cautious when it came to anything harmful.

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