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"sweet dreams, bennett"

those were the last words bennett could remember from that day. after the incident a lot has changed. significantly, his body became awfully responsive to the smell of scents around him and it often left him foggy. he wasnt quite use to this feeing, but there wasnt anything he could do.

recently he went to talk to dr. albedo, but nothing seemed to be wrong with him. hopefully there wasnt anything wrong with him.

bennett laid his head against his bed. he wasnt sleeping, but he had his eyes closed the entire time as he wrapped his body close to the silky sheets. for safe keeping, he often wore razors hoodie, deeply taking a breath of the potent scent of wolfhooks as it enveloped his entire body.

however, this feeling of comfort didnt last forever. at some point he had to get up from his lazy slumber.

slowly, arms fold around his hips, lifting him up from the spot he laid in. it was obvious that it was razor.

"hmmgh..five more minutes." bennett complained, rubbing his eyes like a child ready to cause a tantrum. "im so sleepy.."

razor shook his head. he pulled bennett close to his body as he walked slowly to the bathroom where he placed him on the sink counter.

it was already 10am and bennett had to get ready the rest of college. afterall, he had afternoon classes to attend too. razor knew this, so of course he would do whatever it takes to wake up the sleepy omega from his nonstop drowsiness.

"bennett, up. classes start soon." razor spoke softly, tucking the messy pale white hair in front of bennetts face to the back of his ear.

before bennett managed to protest, razor gave him a toothbrush with toothpaste already on it. bennett sighed, taking the item from razor and began doing his normal routine. however, this time, it was under razors supervision.

this was going to be a long weekday ahead of him.

bennett sighed to himself. as much as he hated waking up, there was no helping when it came to his afternoon classes. bennett laid his head against his hand as he sat in the second row closest to the window. he still had about ten minutes before his classes started so he had time to kill.

however, instead of killing time, he sat down looking at the outside window. it was a beautiful scenery outside of teyvat university. it was warm and the leaves were a lush green as they flowed gracefully in the wind. if bennett could take a picture right now, he would. unfortunately, classes has already started before he even had time to picture it.

maybe next time.

bennett officially finshed college classes around 7pm. he was exhausted as he had to work on countless of paper work and an assigned project that was due in a couple of days from now. he closed his laptop and shoved it straight into his bag and closed it.

quickly, bennett stood up from his chair, but he couldnt help but notice a crowd of people swarming the exit. just what was going on over there?

suddenly a hint of a familiar scent hit his nose. his eyes lightened up as he rushed out of the exit. although he had to get through a surge full of university students, he managed to easily do it as he got out successfully. however, before he managed to take on step away from the hoard, he slipped and crashed down on the floor.

he groaned, picking himself up off the floor. all of a sudden a hand appeared infront of him. he didnt know who it was at first until bennett looked up to see who it was.

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