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by the time bennett got to the dorm entrance, it was already 6:00am. honestly, he didn think it would take this long for him to find his wallet..but in the end, he cant find it.

'it has to be somewhere' bennett thought. he was bummed out the entire time, but that quickly ended as he made his way over to the exit. he paused for a second tilting his head up to look at the sky above him.

the weather was moderate, but there wasnt a sun insight because it was a cloudy day today.

"this smell.." bennett muttered. he wasnt sure what it was he was smelling. it was a linger of fall leaves and possibly a hint of cinnamon. it wasnt bad, but at the same time it was hard to distinguish what it was since there was a ton of scents around the air. however, somehow..this scent..it was familiar.

"hey bennett."

bennett jumped, feeling a warm graze against his face. he whipped his head around, only to face directly at razor who held up a cup of coffee infront of him.

bennett sighed in relief taking the cup of coffee from razor's hand, "you scared me there, razor. whats up? wheres the others? are they already there?"

razor shook his head as in no. "havent seen them."

bennett looked puzzled, but he then remembered what time they slept. "maybe they're still sleeping..did you try calling them?" bennett asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"not yet.." said razor. sleepily he leaned his back against the dorm building wall, taking a sip of his own coffee. razor looked at bennett who scrolled through his phone in hopes of getting in contact with the blue haired couple.

'does bennett like the coffee?' razor thought. he smiled to himself as he smelled the air as it was much more sweeter than usual. this must possibly be because bennett was in a really good mood for it being early in the morning. well kind of, since his scent had a hint of bittersweet smell.


"hm? yeah razor?"

razor took one more sip of his coffee before answering.

"does bennett like coffee?"

bennett hummed to himself. he wasnt sure how to describe the coffee he was drinking, but something about it was really special to him. he took one more sip and chuckled. "how did you remember what coffee i liked, razor? its amazing how you ordered this with every detail included. usually when i would order i would miss an ingredient or two."

razor blushed. he hasnt realized it yet, but bennett was really pretty. its not like he isnt. however, something about the blowing wind and the sudden fall of a few leaves just made this moment look exactly like a photo.  this truly was a beautiful scenery.

razor brushed the back of his neck with his hand, "bennett goes to coffee shop a lot with razor..so razor remembers order. or uh..tries."

bennett laughs, holding his cup of coffee with both of his hands. the order was perfect. but somehow there was only just a hint of bitterness left against his tongue. honestly, what even is coffee with a hint of bitterness?

bennett and razor were talking for just a few minutes whena bunch of footsteps approached him. it was only then when they both see the blue haired couple and someone they didnt recognize.

bennett and razor were the first ones to say good morning to the trio. but they stopped and stared at the black haired female who had a strong scent of liyue cuisine cooking. razor and bennett didnt ask anything at first, but she began to introduce herself.

"hi! my name is xiangling. its nice to meet you two finally." said xiangling.

"hello xiangling. its nice to meet you. im bennett and the person beside me over here is razor." bennett smiled. 'she looked awfully familiar. just like what xingqiu and chongyun would describe one of their childhood friends back in the day'

"basically, if you guys remember. this is xiangling. one of our childhood friends back in the day. shes also a daughter of the most popular restaurants in liyue, the wanmin restaurant." chongyun continued.

bennett was correct. so xiangling really was one of chongyun and xingqius childhood friends. its amazing to see a lot of friends at teyvat university.

"nice to meet..xiangling." razor quietly replied, holding his hand out.

xiangling immediately grabbed his hand with both of her hands and shook it vigorously. "its so good to see you guys! i have heard a lot about you guys on call with xingqiu and chongyun. its almost surreal to see you in person!"

xiangling was a very energetic person. it was almost impossible to keep up. especially for razor who just woke up from an early sleep after staying up late. in the end, razor pulled his hand away first and sunk closer behind bennett. honestly, razor was just not into human interaction just yet. maybe in the afternoon..hopefully.

in the end, after having them all say their good morning introductions, they were getting pretty hungry. afterall, it was almost time for breakfast to be open at campus. it was quite a walk to the main area from the dorm but it was worth it when they finally reached the area.

the inside was impressive. it had a fresh smell of pancakes and even coffee station on the side. it was amazing. however, by just looking at it, most of the students from teyvat come to study or get unfinished work finished.

but since bennett and everyone else was new, they were more looking forward to the nice breakfast.

bennett was the first one to sit down on a table. as soon as they all sat down, a menu was infront of them. there was a bunch of nice choices but most of them decided it would be good to just get coffee with a side of pancakes and other menu items.

it wasnt long before their food finally arrived. it was also good timing as well seeing how fischl managed to arrive. she didnt stay for long as she was soon called up from her appointment.

in the meantime as they waited. everyone decided it was best to strike up a conversation and try to kill time. out of curiosity, xingqiu thought it would be best timing to finally ask his question which he was going to ask when he first saw bennett at the dorm entrance.

"say, my liege," xingqiu cutted into the conversation, placing down his coffee on the table. he looked directly at bennett before asking his question. "where did you get the coffee?"

bennett took another sip of his coffee. now that bennett thinks about it, he actually doesnt know where razor got the coffee from. it was really good but bennett doesnt recall seeing any brand name on his cup.

"venti." razor answered.

"venti? is that a coffee shop!" xiangling shouted. when it comes to new stuff xiangling always tries her best to try every eating or drinking place possible. it was a great experience after all.

"yes, coffee shop. not far..but long walk. run..much faster." razor explained.

the talk went on for much longer about the coffee shop. it was a pretty unique so far. it was a small area that was next to buildings nearby but actually razor was correct. the only way towards the coffee shop to the main campus was just to run or walk. it was at a small park and had no drive through and the parking lot wasnt that big. the coffee shop must be some sort of local area.

however, the conversation didnt go on forever as bennett received a phone call. he answered his phone and later got up from his seat. he hanged up shortly after picking it up and looked back to his group.

"that was my appointment call. ill see you all later once we all finish our appointments and morning or afternoon clas-"

sadly..before bennett was even done saying his goodbyes. his poor coffee he was almost done with immediately hit the floor causing a semi huge mess.

bennett was dumbfounded. this all happened because his arm hit his cup softly on the table.

'great..just great..'

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