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"say chongyun~" xingqiu hummed leaning his head against chongyuns shoulder.

"hm?," chongyun tilted his head towards xingqius direction. he tightened his grip around xingqius hips and adjusted his position to stare directly at his mates face. "what is it?"

"its been awhile since we hung out like this before. you're always so humbled when it comes to just staying home." xingqiu rambled. chongyun, at first, was confused, but he understood where xingqiu was getting at.

chongyun for all he knows lives a simple life. well..simple is kind of inaccurate when he is wrapped tightly against his lovers finger. however, it doesnt bother him one bit knowing xingqiu is by his side. before he even knew xingqiu, they were nothing but childhood neighbors that both lived in a different status.

to put it in simple terms, xingqiu lived in a life of luxury and chongyun lived in a life of middle class.

both houses specialized in different ways. one is more elegant, specialized, and sophisticated. the other is more complex, powerful, and specialized specifically in exorcism.

but somehow on a faithful day, these two ran into eachother. and this the entire story.

slightly dazed, chongyun reached out to xingqius face and gently brushed his roughly trained hand against xingqius face. xingqiu smiled leaning into it before placing his hand over chongyuns.

subconsciously, chongyun muffled, "beautiful.." before having a blush spread across his face knowing well he let his yearning feelings out in the open.

xingqiu laughed, placing his book down next to him. he reached slowly towards chongyun, gently cupping his mates face with his hands. " little yunyun~ youre so adorable when youre being honest." xingqiu teased, planting small kisses against chongyuns face avoiding the alphas lips on purpose.

chongyun immediately pulled back, familiar with the omegas playful attitude. "properly xingqiu," chongyun corrected, lifting xingqius chin while leaning closer to him. "on the lips.."

"im just playing with you yunyun." xingqiu added, feeling content as chongyun immediately closed the distance between them, loving the feeling of their lips intertwining. xingqiu was the first to pull back with a smile on his face.

chongyun was the first to say something. it wasnt unusual that during these moments he would say something. but something he truly cherished with all his heart was the heart warming comfortable silence between him and his lover that allowed all the actions to do the talking.

however, to keep himself remembering (cause he tends to forget) he was in a public setting, anymore actions would lead to trouble.

"i love you xingqiu.." chongyun confessed, leaning closer to xingqiu.

xingqius heart melted. he always loved the feeling of chongyuns actions but the words that uttered out of chongyuns mouth was solemnly sincere. xingqiu couldnt help but feel a bit heart struck as if he was back in highschool again.

"i love you too yunyun~!" xingqiu happliy replied humbly, pulling himself up chongyuns embrace.

the moment was perfect for the two love birds. xingqiu loved the feeling of chongyun by his side and chongyun honestly could just appreciate just being by his side.

their love was obvious. not to mention the sweet mixtures of glaze lilies and the sweet smelling silk flowers was faint for others but to chongyun and xingqiu, it was clear as day.

but distracted with the entire situation, they didnt even notice the two friends standing right in front of them. of course razor didnt say a word, but bennett was the first to say something.

"uhm..i think we should head to the food court now.." bennett hinted. he tapped lightly against chongyuns shoulder which made him jump from just the sight of bennett infront of him all of a sudden.

"what the archons..when did you guys get here?"




this is actually a blooper i made while trying to write the fourteenth chapter

i was literally in a xingyun/chongqiu mood to the point i forgot this was a rannett fanfic. honeslty this was such a cute little moment in my head that i actually forgot what i was truely going for.

i hope you enjoyed this little xingqiu and chongyun treat 💙

now ill go back into writing the actual story now..

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