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it was already early into the afternoon when all the boys headed in the car. the drive to the mall wasnt very far but it was a couple-of-minute drive before they actually reached their destination.

of course, chongyun was their go-to regular uber driver, while xingqiu sat calmly in the passenger seat with a delightful book in his hand. razor and bennett were obviously in the back, but bennett usually liked sitting near the window to observe his surroundings. in the meantime, razor always didnt mind where he was sitting at as long as bennett was by his side, he didnt really care where he was.

the car ride was small talk most of the time. most likely on the topics about 'how was your day' or even better, 'how was morning classes?'

however, that wasnt actually what they were talking about the entire time. this time, it was more about how their appointments were and if anything changed over the years. it was always an interesting topic and they all didnt really mind sharing some information about it since they were pretty close friends.

"now that you mention the appointment, mine for some reason always takes forever. i have no clue on why, even though nothing much has changed." xingqiu complained, going on about how he always seems to be the longest waiting client possible.

bennett was the first to laugh, but he stopped afterwards as xingqiu glanced and looked directly and him and then towards razor. he had a sly smile still as he pointed directly towards razor before speaking. "say razor, how was your check up the entire time?"

razor sat there. he didnt say anything really. instead, he leaned his head against bennetts shoulder with a somewhat bored (possibly blanked) expression on his face.

"boring. appointments same as always. long but not too much changed. razor still razor." razor answered honestly. "however, too much questions."

bennett smiled pointing towards himself, "thats what happened with me also. they asked a bunch of.." bennett paused mid sentence, rethinking about how he answered his questions. however he immediately brushed that thought out of his mind as he focused his attention on the topic before continuing. "..questions. most of them were easy to answer thankfully."

"lucky. for us alphas, most of our tests revolves around physical activity, but they were simple to complete." chongyun spoke up.

"oh also, were here already."

astonished, bennett whipped his head towards the door window, looking curiously at the big beige building that was on the right side of them. to his surprise, chongyun was actually right. they are already at their destination. were they really talking for that long?

seeing as xingqiu and chongyun was already out of the car, bennett focused his priority towards razor who leaned heavily his shoulder. at first bennett, wasnt aware razor was napping, that was until he heard faint subtle snores that escaped his lips.

bennett shook razor very carefully, watching as razor's eyes fluttered open. bennett didnt say anything, but it seems razor already understood what bennett and meant and slid out of the other side of the door. bennett did the same also on his side as he stood near xingqiu the entire time.

the entrance of the mall was huge. shocking enough there was a lot of people that went to check out the place. the inside of the mall was even more impressive. it had many modern designs but the overall stores were normal and nothing special. there were stores for clothing, maybe decorations for a room, and tons of childrens toys.

in the mean time, the group decided it was best to stop at an empty bench and browse the map real quick before looking around. bennett was the first one to sit on the empty bench, followed shortly after xingqiu also sat down.

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