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bennett couldnt help but feel overwhelmed with his current situation. he didnt even realize what he was doing in the first place. all he could remember is his poor heart going crazy and the continuous words that wrapped around his head in a loop.

"oh my archons.." bennett muttered, completely unaware as he spoke those very words that came out of his mouth.

razor personally was satisfied with bennetts reaction. he didnt really know how to describe this type of feeling, but all he knew is that it made him feel content. not to mention he also enjoyed the sweet fragrance in the air that danced around them.

bennett quickly snapped back into reality. he gently reached over to razors hand and held onto it with a shy expression on his face. he turned around quickly before pulling razor along to the cashier.

"lets just pay for the plushie already.." bennett muttered.

it was only a couple of steps before they were infront of the worker. she was friendly and looked pretty happy to work as she was just done chatting with her fellow coworker. she looked at the pair of friends as bennett ploped the plushie on the counter.

"will that be all?" she asks, before scanning the plushie and placing it in the bag.

"yes that will be all." bennett replies back. for a brief moment he lets go of razors hand and rummages for his wallett in his pocket. he then froze.

he completely forgot where he last placed his wallett inside the dormitory.

"youre total will be $11.99." said the cashier, looking directly at the pair with the bag in her hands.

"w-wait a moment please.." bennett nervous mumbled.

bennett glanced up at razor who looked directly at bennett. the pale white haired omega motioned for razor as he stood up trying his very best to whisper in razors ear.

"i..forgot where i put my wallett at the dorm.." bennett whispers.

razor was honestly not surprised. instead, he pulled out his wallet from his pocket and payed for the plush.

the worker smiled. she handed bennett the bag immediately and over to her coworker that was quick to call her for some help.

however, before she went, she turned around to her customers and shouted, "thank you for shopping! come again!"

bennett whisked his head towards the worker and waved goodbye before paying all of his attention on razor who quickly grabbed his hand. at first he didnt even realize he was holding onto razors shirt until now.

but to be honest, he prefers razors rough and cold hands anyway.

"hey razor." bennett called razors name as they continued walking with intertwined hands.

"hm?" razor replied with a hum.

"ill pay you back for the plushie. o-once i find my wallet of course. sorry that ive been misplacing all of my items. i didnt want you to pay all the time for my sake. you dont have to buy me food when we reach the food court with xingqiu and chongyun." bennett states clearly.

he was always ashamed when it came for people to pay for him just because he forgets or misplaces his stuff. sometimes he is afraid to even admit it, but razor understands bennett situation clearly.

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