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bennett whipped his head behind him. by the time he and mika left to go opposite ways, mika was already gone. its not like he needed his number since he is in the same class, but it woud've been nice to stay in contact just incase.

bennett sighed, "damn..just missed him."


bennett immediately turned his head to the direction of the voice. it was razor. he wore his usual clothes; sweatpants and a t-shirt. though it was a simple outfit, razor looked pretty good. it made him seem more built and appeared more laid back.

bennett blushed, brushing his stupid thoughts from his mind as razor approached him.

"i-its no one. just someone really nice i met," bennett laughed. "what are you doing here?"

razor had a blank face. it was hard differentiate whether or not he was upset or normal, but sometimes it could just be typical razor.

however, that wasn't the case. razors was awfully sour. bennett has never smelt anything like that before, especially on razor. his expression turned from joyful, to something more concerned. bennett opened his mouth to say something, but razor cuts in.

"picking bennett up. classes finished." answers razor. he reaches over, grabbing bennett's bag as he threw it over his shoulder. he turned around to the exit, but didn't move until bennett was walking beside him.

bennett frowned. he looked over his shoulder to look at razor. though he looks normal, something was really off about razor. he didn't know what was wrong.

"did..i say something wrong?" bennett thought.

even though he wasn't going to say anything, the silence was slowly killing him.

"hey razor.." bennett paused. he grabbed onto razors t-shirt avoiding eye contact as he stared at the floor. though he doesn't truly know whether or not it was his fault, he couldn't help but feel a sharp pang stab right through his chest.

both of them stood in front of the front of the school exit. razor stood still. he didn't say anything. instead, he turned to bennett. his face expression softened. he looked around the area, some people walked around and glanced at the two, but razor didn't really care. all that mattered was that bennett was ok.

"bennett, ok?" razor asked.

bennett took a while to answer him back. maybe he was just being dramatic and nothing was wrong? maybe he's just overthinking it..?


bennett snapped back into reality. he really didn't know what to say. bennett slowly released his grip on razor's shirt and instead, grabbed onto razor's hand with a fake adoring smile on his face.

"ah..! it's nothing. i just thought you had something on your face! let's just head back to our dorms. maybe we can plan something out with xingqiu and chongyun later. we can also invite other people if you want!"

razor stared at bennett. he was a little bit confused, but he didn't question bennett since he was quickly dragged along by bennett's hand.

by the time both bennett and razor managed to exit the building the sun was already going down. it was 8pm and not a ton of people were out, meaning the campus nice and silent with some people chatting. though it was getting dark, the area around them was quite pretty as the sunset was a fascinating serene scene.

"the glow of the orange mixed with the yellows and pink complimented bennett's appearance." razor thought.

razor smiled, his grip on bennett's hand tightened. a thought suddenly cycled through his mind, making his heart gently thump against his chest.

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