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"did they just leave us.."

"hey razor! wait up!" bennett shouted. "where are you going?"

razor looked back. he didnt answer bennett. instead, he opened the outside door in front of him and shuddered from the frosty cold breeze. it was freezing for an august night. it sorta reminded razor of winter back in his hometown.

"bennett. come here." razor instructed, taking his friend's hand for a second. he walked over to the side of the building, stopping in place to grab something from his bag.

"..its so cold." bennett mumbled. with his left arm, he quickly wrapped his arm around his chest and held razors hand tightly.

for a second, bennett was amazed for how warm razor is. or well..his hands at least. razor was cold. however, he still manages the cold better than bennett since he usually wore sweaters everyday. Unlike bennett, who usually wears a classic t-shirt and sweat pants.

"is bennett really cold?" razor asked.

"im ok! really. its just a bit cold outside than what it normally is. but i can manage just fine." bennett assured. "this cold is nothin-"

the wind picked up. it was really cold. way colder than normal. it blew for a mere 3 seconds but bennett felt like it lasted for 5 minutes. he immediately shivered from the chill against his back and felt flustered over his last silly statement.

"i-i change m..my mind. it's f-freezing."

razor had a placid smile on his face. he was going to laugh, but instead, he pulled over his sweater off his body and handed it to bennett, "here. take it. hoodie helps.."

bennett hesitated to take it at first.

the scent was strong. it was potent, as the smell of wolfhooks was bitter-sweet..yet addicting almost and just by looking at it, bennett could tell this was probably one of razors favorite hoodies.

bennett blushed. he felt dumbfounded over the sudden tamper of his mind. slowly, he reached over to razor's hoodie, slipping it on immediately as he felt the soft warm material wrap around his shaky petite body. it was comfortable. really comfortable.

"is bennett warmer?"

"hehe..yeah its a lot warmer" bennett smiles.

"thank you, razor. ill give this back to you once we get in the car."

"bennett..can keep it." said razor. his tone was a lot softer as his hand inched closer to bennett, tucking the pale white locks behind his ear.

"it looks..better on you."

bennett felt like he was going to melt. the rich, soft, yet caring tone relapsed in his mind over and over again like a time loop. his heart was heavy against his chest and his breathing became unbalanced.

bennett opened his mouth to speak, "i-i cant something like this from you. it's y-your favorite hoodie after all. knowing me, im just going to mess it u-"

"keep it. i insist." razor cuts in.

bennett sighed. he understood that razor really wanted him to keep it. however, the feeling of losing it, making it dirty, or even damaging it makes him fret over the outcome. but deep down. no matter how many times he has said this to himself, the other half of him still really wants to keep the hoodie. then again, that was only the other half of him feeling desirable.

"if you insist..i cant just reject it." bennett complies, hiding his lower half of his face with the soft sweater paws.

the atmosphere was comfortable. they didnt really say a word after the mix up but they're actions spoke up the most. it was still cold and razor knew that. he was silent and he didnt really want to bother bennett as they were both walking to the car.

in the end, razor gave into the hesitation and went forward with it. slowly, he reached out, brushing his finger against the soft warm hand against his.

bennett jolted. his index finger felt laced against a cold rough yet familiar hold. his hand shifted. carefully, sliding his warmer hand against colder one. bennett relaxed, bring his hand closer to him as they grazed each other shoulder to shoulder.

step by step, they got closer to the car. they didnt park too far, but at the same time bennett felt like the walk took 30 minutes. even though is was about 5 minutes or less.

it was dark, but next the car stood two figures. razor and bennett didnt notice them at first, but the familiar voices were clear and they instantly knew who they were.

"bennett! razor! do you guys have the keys? its freezing out here." chongyun called. he ran up to them, stopping in front of them as he held his hand out. he signaled for the key, but...

razor and bennett clearly didn't have the keys on them.

"uh..chongyun..me and razor don't have the keys with us," bennett paused. looking up at chongyun. "you were driving right? i thought you would be the one to have the keys with you. unless..xingqiu has it."

"y-you..see my l-liege," xingqiu speaks up. "..if i already had the k-keys, yunyun and i would already be in the car waiting for you two."

razor eyes both of them and mentally slaps himself. "if we dont have keys..then who does?"

they all stood in silence.


"worse case scenario..we're stuck outside."

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