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it didnt take long before bennett finished up cleaning the huge mess he made. thankfully, his friends were the ones to help him at the very end. he was always very clumsy so spilling things wasnt like the end of the world or anything.

however, at the time the pale white male was upset. bennett didnt want to waste the perfectly good coffee given by razor. but thanks to him, he didnt get to enjoy the last drop of the savory yet addicting bittersweet after taste. bennett felt guilty as he sat against the bench near the nurses office.

"i should pay him back.." bennett quietly whispered to himself. "but pay him back with what?"

throughout bennetts childhood he hasnt recalled anything but bits of memories when he was with razor at the time. they would spend most of their time going out on adventures and doing what most adventurous boys do, getting into trouble. or well..that was more of what bennett would get into.

bennett smiled. "maybe..a wolfhook will do?"

bennett didnt really know why but somehow he feels as if razor would really like wolfhooks. when they were younger, razor would always try going into detail what they are and what happens if you try consuming them. so possibly, wolfhooks really are razors specialty..

"mr. bennett?"

bennett flinched. he didnt realize at first someone was calling him but a gentle tap against his shoulder caught his attention. he whipped his head behind him only to see a light green haired woman with a long white coat. to bennetts guess, she must be the doctor looking after him.

"ah! s-sorry..that would be me." bennett apologized, standing up from his seat.

"n-no worries! im just the doctors assistant, sucrose." she reassured quietly. from the beside her, immediately grabbed the clipboard on the desk flipping through what looked to be documents. she sighed in relief looking through them and steadily handed bennett what looks to be his previous files from last years daily check up.

"here..this should be your last years file from your last report. when you're ready, dr. albedo will be waiting behind these doors," sucrose instructed, pointing directly at the door behind her. "oh! also if you have any questions or concerns with the file, feel free to tell me. i can help and fix the mistakes."

bennett immediately took the paper from the assistants hand and carefully looked over the document. everything so far seems to be perfect to him. there really wasn't anything wrong with his document so he slowly walked up to the door in front of him.

he wasnt sure why, but he felt nervous at first. but he gave himself a short pep talk and slowly opened the door. to bennetts surprise, the room was large for a check up area. it wasnt like the regular hospital rooms, but instead an office looking one with clear glass book selves and an amazing viewing of a window on the left.

bennett was distracted about the room to the point where he didnt realize a person sitting behind the large office desk. to bennetts guess, that was the doctor right in front of him. he wore the same kind of white coat as sucrose and he wore his hair up with what looks to be a yellow star shaped tattoo on his neck.

at first, the doctor in front of him didnt notice him at first, but the closer bennett walked, the doctor lifted his head only to be greeted by the pale white male omega. the doctor smiled as he placed his clipboard on his desk and sat formally straight.

"you must be mr. bennett, correct." the doctor asks, signaling bennett to take a seat right in front of him.

bennett nodded his head for an answer, "yep, that would be me!" for the most part, bennett always had such a heart warming smile on his face as he immediately sat on the chair in front of the doctors desk.

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