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it was a long sleepless journey back to the dorm. honestly, chongyun wished it would've gone more quickly, but in the end they spent about 3 hours looking for the key. luckily over time, they managed to find it in xingqiu's bag that was beside the car.

however, even after finding the was already 1am in the morning. they all have to wake up about 5am to get their day started because they all had scheduled appointments for the early morning mandatory second gender testing.

technically, they basically all had about 4 hours of sleep in total and also plan to take their very first morning classes.

bennett quietly groaned, getting up from his dorm bed. just hearing the dreadful sound of his alarm blaring was enough to send him into a bitter mood. "morning..already..?" bennett muttered, reaching over to grab his phone to stop the alarm.

after that, he slammed his face against the pillow letting out a heavy sigh of not wanting to get up. "i shouldve scheduled my appointment in the afternoon.." bennett whined, throwing his legs against the bed like a child having a short tantrum.

after a few minutes of moping around and fighting his fatigue, the tired omega finally had the small amount of strength he had left to stand up from his bed and walked to the bathroom.

when entering he immediately turned on the lights that were bright against his tired emerald eyes. he quickly looked in the mirror staring at himself.

"man i look like a mess.." he yawned, fixing his bed head to look orginally like he had in last night. bennett then proceeded to begin his morning routine by throwing cold water against to wake up and brush his teeth.

suddenly, his phone began to ring in his pocket. bennett immediately took out his phone, watching as the device constantly showing the name 'dad!!'

bennett gently smiled. he picked up the crackedphone and placed it  against his ear, hearing the joyful sound of his parents saying good morning to him. "good morning bennett!"

"good morning dad.." bennett answered back, trying his best not to sound lazy and tired in the morning.

"hows packing into your new dorm?"

bennett thought for a second before briefly explaining, "i cant unpack my stuff just yet. we havent had our second gender testing yet so for now the front office advised all of us to have our stuff remained packed until we get the official sorting situated."

"anyway, how is papa doing?"

"hes doing alright. he's sleeping right now but he'll wake up shortly since he has to get ready for work." bennett's dad answers. "but im just up now because i was worried if you were going to wake up on time. haha! looks like i have nothing to worry about though."

bennett pouts replying back, "thank you for your concern, but dont worry i have stuff under contro-"

bennett jolts, surprised to see razor walking up beside him. "morning..bennett.." razor lazily mutters, laying. his head against bennett's shoulder. ""

bennett smiles about razor's fatigued behavior and gently pats his head similar to how we usually pet our animals. "good morning razor." bennett greets razor with a thrilled tone in his voice.

however, that completely ended as he heard a mischievous hum coming from his phone. bennett blushed as he "totally" did not forget he was currently on a phone call with his dad.

"hey son, hand your phone to razor real quick."

"wha- why?" bennett steps in laughing nervously.

"dont worry! i wont say anything bad, im just gonna say hi." bennett's dad reassures.

bennett sighed, giving in as he was easily convinced by his own dad. bennett spun his head directly towards razor before slowly handing him the phone. razor looked confused for a second but he placed the phone against his ear answering.


"hey razor. its been awhile."

razors eyes lit up, as he lifted his head off bennetts shoulder. "uncle?"

(razor refers to bennett's dad as uncle because when he was younger, he usually visited his house often to the point where he was welcomed.)

"wow your voice has changed a lot. anway, how's bennett doing lately?"

" good, i think."

"thats good to here." bennetts dad sighs in relief. "also, hows the new dorms? do you like them?"

razor didnt give an immediate answer. he thought for a moment about the dorm and truely he did like it but..

"dorm is..nice. but home..much better." razor answers honestly.

"i 100% believe you." bennetts dad laughed. "anyway, you guys are gonna be busy for the entire morning, i dont wanna spend too much time talking. also thanks for taking care of bennett for me. yknow how he gets with his minor spikes of bad luck. but i believe he's in good hands."

razor smiles, leaning his head once more against bennetts shoulder before answering back, "your welcome."

after that, the call ended and razor handed bennett back the phone. bennett took the phone, feeling flustered.

"m-my dad didnt say anything about me..right?" bennett nervously asked, putting his tooth brush back in his pouch and his phone in his pocket.

"mm..not much. just..asking how bennett is." razor answered, raising his head a bit and used his long reach to grab his toothbrush. "he told care for bennett. thats all."

bennett blushed. 'was it just me or was the smell of wolfhooks getting a little stronger' bennett thought. he raised his attention to razor but he was just simply brushing his teeth. its not like razors scent was intense or anything. the scent was more light and it had tons of meaning towards it that bennett couldnt comprehend.

unlike everyone, bennett doesnt truely understand the concept of 'scent' yet. he understood the basics, such as the pros and cons, but his ability to smell scents was fairly weak. it was hard for him to get along that way since many people use it to understand one another and it usually helped for bonding. it had many values such as, understanding someones emotion, how they feel, and even an upcoming sense of lust.

he hasnt really told anyone about it besides his parents and razor. bennett was basically prone to hazards if he isnt careful. however, thankfully razor has been around him for so long. bennett truely is thankful for razors help.

"shoot..look at the time. breakfast starts in 30 minutes. im gonna hurry and get changed!" bennett yelled, rushing towards his room in a hurry. "ill meet you outside our dorm so just wait for me there! also if you see chongyun and xingqiu outside our door just tell them ill be out in just a second." bennett throughly explained. he immediately shut the room to his dorm, remembering to lock the door behind him.

razor paused. standing still to contempate what he heard. 'what did bennett say again..?'

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