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just the sight of him disgusted bennett to the core. the unexpected meeting bennett hoped would never exist, came back to him. this time it was real.

it was a living nightmare.

bennetts breath hitched. too scared to speak or even do anything, memories began to flash before his eyes. the twisting feeling in his stomach grew tighter and his legs felt weak. he hated this feeling more than anything.

scared, bennett stood up. he slowly backed away to the table of shopping bags beside him.

"its been awhile since we last met bennett. its good to see your doing well after all these years. youve gotten much prettier in the past few couple of years."

his voice sent shivers down bennetts spine. the person stood up. he was only a few feet back from bennett, but it wasnt long before he took a few steps closer. he had a sick grin on his face and the jet black hair from what bennett still recalls.

bennett didnt dare to utter any words.

"are you really that shocked to see me? have you lost the ability to talk? in my eyes you were talking completely fine when you were with your other friends. speaking of friends, where did the grey haired bastard that always tagged along with you go?"

the person walked closer as he continued to ask further questions about bennetts life. bennett instinctively shoved him. he quickly removed his hand against his mouth and spoke with tears rolling down his face, "get away from me.."

the person infront of bennett couldnt help but laugh. there was no pity, but more of a deep sense of hatred that filled the room.

"i cant help but feel so bad for you. all this time, youve always been an unfortunate soul." the person taunted.

slowly before nearly closing the distance between him and bennett, he was quick to grab bennetts wrist.

he forcefully pulled bennett closer to him with one swift move. bennett didnt even dare to open his eyes for one second after the forceful movement.

however, his eyes were quick to shoot open. the familiar scent filled his nose and the feeling of reassurance was almost clear.

suddenly, he gasped, feeling the cold strong securing arms wrap around him.

"razor..?" bennett quietly mumbled. his full attention was directly to the alpha infront of him. from what bennett was understanding, razor was angry. his expression was more of a fustrated look and his hold on bennett tightened. not once did he look back at bennett. instead, he looked to have a sudden urge to kill the person behind him.

bennett was terrified. not once has he ever seen razor in this state. however, before bennett was even ready to say a word, chongyun and xingqiu rushed to his side.

xingqiu made the first move. bennett didnt really understand as his mind was a bit blurred, but from what he remembered, xingqiu was helping him.

xingqiu let out a quiet huff, slumping bennetts arm around his shoulder and with support, he had an arm around bennetts waist. he moved quickly, walking away from the area.

time passed by.

bennett sat quietly at the exit bench where they were originally from the beginning. xingqiu looked at him with concern. bennett wasnt usually this quiet. usually when he was this quiet there was something wrong with him. and xingqiu knew that.


"im such an idiot."

bennett was serious. he collapsed against the bench, hanging his head down low and his eyed were welled up in tears. "it was all my fault. if it wasnt for you guys i'd..dammit. im sorry." bennett broke down crying.

xingqiu placed a reassuring hand against bennetts back, rubbing continuous comforting circles.

"bennett it isnt your fault." xingqiu paused. pulling his friend into a hug. bennett laid his head against xingqius shoulder, as he continued crying. "we shouldnt have left you there alone, knowing there was a thoughtless bastard there waiting. its my fault. i didnt think this would happen."

both bennett and xingqiu were silent. bennett was constantly sniffling and crying against xingqiu, while xingqiu continued to silently blame himself for what happened.

however, on the other side it was much worse...

"razor calm dow-!"

"you scum! i hate you!" razor growled.

chongyun held razor, tightly trying his best to defuse the situation, but razor wasnt having it at all. as soon as bennett left the area, razor went crazy. he was quick to jump the person who confronted bennett, but if it wasnt for chongyun, who held him down, both him and razor wouldve been kicked out by now.

"calm down razor! bennett and xingqiu are waiting for us! think of bennett, razor! he needs you." chongyun pulled razor away. razor grunted, stepping backwards. he took deep breathes, watching scornfully at the person who just scurried away.

razor cussed under his breath. he looked directly at chongyun with soft eyes filled with guilt. however, without saying anything, he headed straight to where xingqiu headed, smelling the lingering scent. chongyun, of course, followed along.

it hasnt even been 5 minutes. razor was the first to find the two omegas. with sweat dripping down his face he rushed to approach the two, kneeling down immediately to bennett.

xingqiu was the first to notice the two alphas. he pulled back, allowing bennett to catch a glimpse at razors direction.

razor felt heartbroken looking at bennett. bennetts eyes were swollen and his face was an overall mess as it was stained with tears.

"r-razor.." bennett sniffed.

razor couldnt help but melt hearing his voice. gently, razor cupped bennetts face, using his thumbs to wipe away the excess tears. with a heavy heart, razor pulled bennett into his embrace, ruffling one of his hands through his hair and another one wrapped around his waist.

"razor is sorry." razor quietly whispered, making sure it was loud enough for bennett to hear. "razor wont leave bennett. ever." razor promised.

bennett comfortably laid his head against razors chest, listening closely to the slow and steady heartbeat. to bennett, that was all he needed to hear. slowly, his eyes began to slowly shut, feeling nothing but a warm blanket of razor's scent against his body. his arms went limp as he slowly sought razor for support.

razor was quick to notice. both his arms supported bennetts body and with no words spoken, razor smiled, smelling the same sweet windwheel aster scent.

" sweet dreams, bennett."

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