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the place was packed. from the outside the parking lot didnt look that busy, but really the inside is what held mostly everyone. many people from around monstadt must of chosen the same spot they usually like to hang out in. but unfortunately for bennett, the place didnt seem like it was gonna calm down any second.

"my, this spot is pretty famous, bennett." xingqiu commented.

chongyun also silently agreed as he whipped his head around the room, observing the area. "yeah it really does seem to be really busy. possibly we came in at the wrong time. its packed to the brim with no open tables."

chongyun was right. the room was full of people. most of them drinking, talking, and overall having a good time. maybe it was the wrong time to drop by and eat here.

"aw man..sorry about that guys. i didnt realize how packed up the place would be. maybe i shouldve called in pick up for food or something so we at least had something to eat. my bad." bennett apologized.

bennett always apologized for the smallest of flaws. it wasnt his fault the room was packed, but he always blamed his luck for everything. even when it was others mistakes that happen, he just takes the blame. you could guess that hes been doing it throughout his entire lifetime.

"not bennetts fault. place packed..very common." razor calmly spoke. he gently placed a hand on bennetts back, rubbing small soothing circles. bennett felt slightly better but at the same time embarrassed.

"we should probably go eat somewhere else for the time being. we can come back next time when they arent busy. im not too hungry so i can wait for a while to pick and decide." xingqiu planned out. "lets head back to the car and we can discuss even further on this topic."

everyone agreed with xingqiu. they were close to the door, but bennett paused. he felt a slight tug on his tshirt. it was razor who was tugging on it. he looked like he needed something so bennett asked, "hey razor, whats up?"

"BENNETT!!" a voice arose from the tavern. bennett didnt notice it at first probably because it was loud inside which it was. luckily, razor noticed before they left.

bennett raised his head, trying to recognize where the voice came from. it took him a bit but thankfully razor was much more better at finding people. 

'the visible feature of blonde hair and green eyes was awfully familiar.' bennett thought.

suddenly it hit him, it was fischl.

"FISCHL!" bennett had a huge smile on his face. he quickly ran up to fischl giving her a huge hug. 

her scent, they way fischl looks, and her voice was all the same.

its almost been 3 years since the last time he ever saw fischl. back in his freshmen year, he only had a few friends or just two, razor and fischl. they used to do everything together. they went on short "adventures" and they went to several outlet points around teyvat. but most of the time they just did homework together.

however, fischl left not to long ago at the end of freshman year. her family were overseas and they always loved the country, germany. even though she didnt want to leave, it wasnt her choice. she basically had too. but bennett was just glad she was here in front of him. it felt good reuniting with your best friend. 

for what seemed like forever, he let fischl go first and laughed embarrassed over his funny actions. bennett truly hasnt changed at all. thankfully.

"its been awhile bennett. hows moving in college dorms? hows razor?" asked fischl. she sat back down on her seat.

fischl really has changed over the years. her way of speech was totally different, but a good kind of different. it was normal, but to bennetts surprise it was gonna take him some time to adjust to this new fischl.

"it really has been awhile, fischl." answered bennett. he was going to answer all of her questions but the sounds of footsteps approached us. it was razor, chongyun, and xingqiu.

they all said hello to fischl. xingqiu and chongyun both introduced themselves before doing anything else and fischl gladly did the same. she then smiled towards razor as razor gave a small phrase, "fischl..good to see you."

it was a long night for all of them. luckily fischl had open seats, giving them a chance to finally try the good hunter. they were all hungry knowing most of them havent ate after leaving and dropping by the dorm rooms.

they began making small conversations, starting off with the food first.

"say fischl, you did say you tried good hunter before. whats your favorite dish from good hunter? theres so much options on the menu its hard to make a final decision of what i want." chongyun asked. he pointed at several items on the menu. they all sound great to him. "is there something cold?"

xingqiu snickered beside him, "chongyun cant really eat hot food. well he can eat it, its just he has a sensitive tongue that makes eating food hot too much for him."

it was true. chongyun really did have a sensitive tongue. but he always liked the feeling of something cold so thats probably why you would spot him eating a popsicle time to time on a hot summer afternoon.

fischl was thinking for a moment, but the idea finally came in mind. "there actually is a cold dish in good hunter. its called the cold cut platter. its my all time favorites as i ate this dish a lot as a child."

"ill get that then." chongyun smiled.

it was good timing. the waitress went over to them ready to take their orders. she had a smile on her face as she began to ask, "is everyone ready to order?"

in order, razor went first, "monstadt hash brown."

bennett went second, "ill take a sticky honey roast."

xingqiu third, "ill take the flaming red bolognese. im not sure if its spicy but if not i would love to have a mild spice."

lastly chongyun, "ill take a cold cut platter. thanks."

it was fischls turn, but she quietly shook her head, "i already ate so i dont need anything. but i would mind another berry & mint burst please."

the waitress quickly wrote down all the orders and just to double check, she read all their orders in order, one by one. she then left, thanking them as they stacked up the menus for her so she can take them. "ill be here with your foods and a drink shortly."

the waitress left, leaving the five alone. they all began chatting but mainly it was about college and how dorms were. most of the time they talked about how big the campus was and how they missed their family. 

well mainly, until....

"so bennett and razor, are you guys finally together or-"

bennett nearly spat out his drink.

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