967 21 2

8 years ago
Razor's POV

"hey! care to join bennett's adventure team?"

how long has it been since these words were spoken? it came from the voice i remembered years ago when the world was another place. it was dangerous by then but who knows whats going to happen now. in other words, where am i?

"who are you" i growled.

the the young boy backed away, but then he gave off a scared look. his scent was dense and had no balance what so ever. what a weird human. i stood up from the ground closely looking down on him. as soon as i did that, he fell to the ground weakly.

"s-scary.." his eyes filled with tears.

he approached me first, so why do i feel numb. it was an odd feeling for sure. almost like my chest was tugging at me type of pain. i squatted down to his level, moving his hair away from his face.

no doubt about it, his face was full of tears and his gaze was gentle with a warm emerald glare. his face was freckled and bandges coated all around. curiosity got the best of me so i asked.

"your face, what happened.."

my english, wasnt the best but i made an attempt. i hate speaking anyway. so i pointed to the bandges.

surprised, his eyes got wide. he quickly covered his face with his hands.

"dont! n-nothing happened to my face...i tripped!"

his voice was shaky. obviously it was a lie as his scent got bitter. it was an awful smell.

"liar. your scent..bitter." i confronted.

the stranger widen his eyes.

he was most likely surprised on how i figured out his terrible lies.

"ok, ok ill tell you." the stranger admitted, sitting closer to me. "there something you dont know about me thats kinda odd. im..extremely unlucky. its like something i cant control but i wish too. its probably the most unusual trait about me. and because of this luck, i tend to get myself into areas where it was easy for me to get injured. not from here, so i thought it would be cool to venture out in the forest. hopefully that explains my scars and bandged injuries."

so that explains everthing. honestly i cant help but feel bad for him. i cant imagine living with luck that will one day become a dangerous cause.

i then gaze back up at the stranger holding up a thumbs up. "story..long. but i understand. stranger bad luck." i stated.

i stood up from my position, walking toward the bush, carefully searching it without saying a word. in the corner of my eye, i watched as the human stared at me. probably hes just curious on what im doing.


"a what?"

"wolfhook berries..good for hurt spots."

as soon as i spotted on what i was looking for, i stood up, walking toward the injured human. i opened my hands out. he flinched, but nervously looked at what i was holding. in my hand it was two wolfhooks, it was a good use to medicine. he slowly reached out to my hands with wolfhooks, taking one.

"these are..wolfhooks?" he spotted out, showing the item in his hands.

i nod, watching him carefully observe the berry. maybe this was what every adventurer does? it was odd but understandable.

my heart dropped. did human just..bite the wolfhook? my hands reached out to him as i grabbed both sides of his face. he was shocked at first but when he realized i was the one who grabbed him his expression turned confused.

"the wolfhook, not good. don't eat."

luckily, bennett understood the reaction from me. my hands released him shortly as the human looked on the right of him, completely spitting out the berry.

i sighed. 'this human is a unique one for sure. if it wasnt for the quick reaction, he would have got sick. or maybe even worse'

as i was speaking to myself my gaze landed on the other male who looked...brightly at me? his scent was sweet and it gave a comfortable atmosphere. usually i can guess this happens because he was happy or maybe another possibility?

"why happ-"


before i let out a word, he cut me off. his eyes were sparkling and he took my hand shaking it. embarrassed by this, i pulled my hand away from the other, answering with a slight nod before turning away.

my eyes stopped on the last wolfhook berry that had on sign of those who bite into it. i pick it up from the ground, tearing it open slowly. the thick slimy texture seeped through the fruit. it was normal, as we use this for wounds. i drip my two fingers in the fruit juice pointing directly at the bandaged wound that appeared to be more severe on the human.

"hey..i didnt catch your name have i? sorry about that. i was so caught up in wanting you to join me on my team that i didnt introduce you to me. perhaps we both didnt introduce eachother." the human giggled at the little statment he made. his smile was definitely contagious.

however, even after asking, i went to go apply the fruit juice on the humans wound before answering. "razor. my name razor"

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