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"bennett, i love you."

it was as if time froze all of a sudden for the omega. he didnt know what to say or do. he sat there, hands against razor's chest as the heat from his body surged throughout him uncontrollably. his eyes were stained with tears as a shocked expression laid still on his face.

"did i just..hear that correctly?" bennett began to second guess himself. "razor...confessed? t-to me..?"

bennetts vision suddenly became blurry as he felt a bundle of emotions surround him. never in his life did he ever think razor was going to confess to him, let alone love him. just knowing they felt the same way towards each other the entire time made bennett's heart melt from shock.

an endless stream of tears flowed down his face. he felt humiliated crying so much around razor, but he just couldn't stop it even if he wanted too.

"wh-when..when did you.." bennett cried.

his voice began to crack.

slowly, he looked up at razor, trying his best to finish his sentence. however, he couldnt, from the huge lump stuck inside his throat. but even though bennett didnt finish his sentence, razor understood what he was trying to say crystal clear.

the end of razors lips perked upwards as he slowly backed away from bennett. gently, he cupped bennett's cheeks with both of his hands. at first, bennett tensed up, but later felt comforted as he felt the touch of calming thumbs brushing against his cheeks.

for a moment it was silent. the silence was comforting as he felt the atmosphere around them clear up from complete enigma to something more lucent and soft.

before razor said anything, he thought about his words carefully. razor closed his eyes and looked back at bennett. their eyes connected briefly as razor spoke, "razor has always loved bennett. from the moment we first met..razor has always cared for bennett. not because bennett was an omega, but because.."

razor paused.

bennetts emeralds eyes grew wide. he felt the sudden hand to his cheek move down to the nape of his neck. he sat there stunned. he didnt dare to move, feeling a thumb brush gently against his lips.

razor slowly, yet carefully leaned himself closer to bennett.

bennett began to hold his breath. he tightly closed his eyes as he pressed his lips together. feeling every inch of his body began to heat up as the soft touch of the nape of his neck rose to the back of his head, entangling through his pale white locks.

suddenly, a subtle gasp left his mouth as he felt the light brush of lips pressing gently against his.

the kiss was generally sweet and left a tingle behind bennetts lips as razor pulled back. bennett eyes fluttered open. his emerald eyes gleamed bright under the radient moonlight as his face had a light blush around him.

his mind clouded in his own thoughts. he repeatedly replayed the scene of the gentle lips pressed against his and the sound of both their heartbeats harmonizing with one another. however, nothing rang more clear in his mind than the constant voice repeating the same line in a loop,

"my first kiss.."

without bennett noticing, razor reached out to bennett's hand and intertwined it with his. slowly, he brought the delicate hand to his lips and with a kiss, he began to finish his final sentence,

"razor has always loved bennett. from the moment we first met..razor has always cared for bennett. not because bennett was an omega, but because.."

"bennett is my mate.."

bennett couldnt believe his ears. he has never believed in miracles and never did he think this moment would become true. although, now that it was true he didnt even know what to respond.

however, even though he didnt know what to say at first, his mind began to wander as he took a deep breath and continued, putting full trust on what his heart has to offer.

calm and collective, bennett took a deep breath. he leaned his head against razor's chest, wrapping his arms around razors neck. he looked up at razor.
finally, speaking the words razor was always meant to hear

"you are someone very special to me. from the moment i approached you during the forest, i have never forgot how much youve done for me. you are my, you are my mate," bennett paused. with all his might and the ounce of strength he had left against his heavy heart, he inched closer to razor, giving razor a quick kiss before finishing his sentence.

"i love you too."

and even till the very end, a second kiss was sealed.

razors heart fluttered. in his mind he would proudly say,

bennett was razor's omega.

and bennett would proudly say,

razor was bennett's..



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