─︎ тwo || ιnѕυғғeraвle ─︎

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Glancing down at the ledge of a steep cliff, Y/n contemplated what was under the surface. Before her mind could usher to any plausible inklings, the sound of a rock skipping against the ground behind her raised her uneasiness.

As she spun her body around, she accidentally lost her balance, causing her to assume her delicate skin would soon attach to the ground if she didn't attempt to avoid it. Preventing her from an undesirable plunge, a hand snaked around her waist, reimbursing her to durable land. Hand still spiraled around, she twisted her neck, achieving a promising glimpse at the man who assisted her.

"Hey, darling," Druig muttered, smirking as he pointed out the short amount of space between their faces. With a sigh, Y/n discarded his hand from her abdomen, allowing his warmth to dwindle and his addicting touch to linger scantily on her skin.

"Thanks, but I'd rather take my chances with the cliff next time, Druig," she remarked, peering at the jungle's leaves crinkling in the distance. Silence churned in the wafting air, anticipating the male eternal's feedback.

"Please, now you're just being unreasonable." Druig chuckled. "Who would choose the cliff over me?"

Concluding to prove her team member incorrect, she whispered, "Me." Everything happened so rapidly. Without a fragment of hysteria in her complexion, she pranced off the ridge, exhorting Druig's eyes to enlarge. Alarmed, he attempted to reach out for her, but it was too late.

Not conveying him a chance to reply, her chuckle gave away her diminutive deception as Druig crumpled his brows in genuine turmoil. Giggling is not something ordinary she performed around him. Usually, her side of their deliberations would have encompassed amusing viewpoints and retorts. Enchanting him, her laugh became the sole element he could concentrate on, along with her usually restricted smile.

"Got you." she grinned as she loomed in the chilly atmosphere. "Sometimes you forget I can fly."

"What were you thinking?" Druig admonished, muttering assorted expletives. "You could've gotten hurt!"

"Eh." Y/n shrugged as she returned to solid ground. "It was worth it."

"When I mentioned I'd get a reaction out of you, this isn't what I meant," Druig commented, pretending to be agitated.

"Ah, of course," Y/n asserted, unimpressed at his attempt to get her to commiserate with him. "I'll be leaving now."

He pleaded, "What, no! Wait for me!"

Let's just say his requests didn't stop Y/n from soaring away.


Panting, Druig returned to where the humans were inhabiting, bothered that he had to amble back down the monstrous highland.

"She did something again, didn't she?" Makkari signed, grinning as she granted him some water.

"She made me walk down an entire ridge after she pranked me. Honestly, it was amusing, but jeez." Druig grumbled, making sure Y/n wasn't around to heed his praise. Cherishing the frosty water trailing down his throat, he speculated what to inquire next. "Why isn't she more... friendly?"

"You need to earn her trust." Makkari signed, supervising the humans whizzing around them.

"Y/n is insufferable." he proclaimed in a serious voice, but Makkari comprehended he didn't mean it when she caught sight of his joking smile.

"Yet you still strive to communicate with her each opportunity you get." Makkari signed, a teasing expression entrenched in her features. "You aren't deceiving anyone, Druig."

"There's no need to point that out. Anyway, how do I earn her trust?" Druig questioned, crossing his arms.

"I don't know. Participate in something she likes to get closer to her?" Makkari signed, biting the inside of her lip as she anticipated more concepts.

"That's it!" Druig signed with excitement. "You're a genius!"


At the waterfront, she strode her limbs in meticulous motions, visualizing she was in a crusade against miscellaneous robust deviants. She had envisioned it so realistically that she peeped her eyes open once in a while to scrutinize if it were real. The extensive tides near her furnished flashbacks to when she primarily arrived on earth. Endeavoring to keep her mind off what she heard earlier, she proceeded with her routine. If there's one thing she desired, it would be to always be prepared. Knowing the dangers that threatened her daily, one blunder could get someone executed. Imperfections in combat frightened her, but she would never admit it.

"Mind if I join, darling?" Druig declared as he strutted behind her. Astonished by his unforeseen presence, she hurriedly tripped him as she stooped onto the ground, accumulating a groan from the pestering male when his back collided with the sand. Still not recognizing who he was, a dagger was swooped to the crook of his neck promptly.

"Oh, it's just you." she sighed, essentially as if she would prefer a deviant over his impossible individuality.

"No need to sound so disappointed," Druig commented as she eliminated the blade and stood. "Anyway, may I join?"

"I don't know. Why would you like to train with somebody who you think is insufferable?" Y/n questioned in a monotone voice as Druig fumbled on his feet.

"Well, shit," Druig murmured, determining the bitterness emanating off the woman. "I screwed up, didn't I?"


𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now