─︎ тwelve || laĸe ─︎

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Getting used to being on their own, the couple hiked through the broad territory of trees, rummaging for anything that can harm the humans. Crunching the dirt's carpet of leaves and branches, Druig stared as his girlfriend juggled spheres of beloved flames in her hands, and the feverish color flickered in her irises.

"Druig, catch," she remarked, tossing one of the blazes to frighten him. Oddly, Druig put his hands out to capture it, eyes widening as it vanished before grazing him.

"Why would you do that?" he exclaimed in stupefaction.

"Why would you try to catch it?" Y/n commented, chuckling.

Druig replied with a shrug. "Because you told me to!"

"Dude, it's fire! Why would anyone catch fire?" Y/n declared, smiling at his reaction. "I thought you would've moved or something."

"It was just instinct," Druig grumbled. Tramping farther, they reached a lake, its murky water reflecting their faces. Bright as treasure, the sun's amber glow hurt their eyes when they shifted their gaze.

"You're going to pay for that, you know?" he whispered as he amassed a mischievous idea.

Y/n laughed nervously, reckoning he wasn't serious, or she didn't hear his statement correctly. "Say what now?" Answering her question without words, Druig put his girl over his shoulder with ease.

"Druig, you asshole!" she asserted, squirming in his grasp as she attempted not to hurt him. "Do this, and I will hate you forever."

"I can never be your enemy, darling. You love me too much." Druig said as he strolled nearer to the body of water.

"Watch me!" she exclaimed, failing to conceal her laughter. "Druig, stop ─︎." Interrupting her complaint, her boyfriend propelled her into the water, destroying any likelihood of seeing any reflections. Ripples spreading, she inhaled, her head popping out for air as Druig laughed on the waterfront.

"Why would you do that?" she blurted, gritting her teeth to halt their chattering.

Druig smirked. "It's funny. I asked you the same question, darling." Annoyed, Y/n exerted a force field behind him, manipulating it to nudge Druig into the water. Snickering, the sight of Druig's shocked expression materializing as he resurfaced brought her intense satisfaction.

"Oops, did I do that?" Y/n let out sarcastically, examining her partner's prospering smile. Drops of water dripped from their hair, their faces inches apart.

Druig mumbled, "You're lucky I love you."

Y/n joked, "Am I though? You're the lucky one, love." Attention darting to each other's lips, their longing to feel a familiar spark amplified. Copying one another's motions, their lips connected, eyes shut as they enjoyed the unbridled euphoria. Fingers entangling in her soaked hair, Druig felt her smile into the kiss.

"God, I hate you." Y/n lied once their lips parted, grinning uncontrollably.

"I love you too," Druig murmured, stealing another kiss crammed with an electric storm of pure adrenaline. Indeed, they were soulmates.



A certain someone's arms wrapped around her waist, and her eyelids opened, allowing her to take in her room's details. Blankets knitted intricately with elaborate patterns draped over their bodies. Wanting to find something to consume, she shifted against his grip, resulting in his arms pulling her in closer.

"Druig," she repeated, her face facing his. "Druig?"

"Yes, darling?" he mumbled in a raspy morning voice that perfectly expressed his drowsiness. It also induced his girlfriend's smile to widen. Though she would never admit it.

"It's time to get up, loser." she teased, idolizing his eyelashes and other characteristics.

"I can feel you staring," he commented with a smug grin, his grip remaining firm as he drank in her fragrance of lavender.

"I'm just adoring how foolish you look." she joked, pecking his forehead. "Extremely foolish, might I add?"

Druig scoffed down a chuckle. "You are a horrendous liar."

"You can't prove it. It's the afternoon. Let's go." she urged. Nevertheless, the more she dwelled in bed with Druig, the more she didn't want to leave.

"But you're warm," he murmured, his eyes opening. Because of her talent to manipulate the element of fire, her physique's temperature was regularly dissipating with heat. "An hour more?"

"How about ten more minutes?" she suggested, loving the rings Druig would sleepily draw against her back with his fingers.

"I'll take anything I can get," he replied, kissing her forehead in return.


Druig and Y/n were meandering back to humans after locating some berries they yearned for. Again, her memories were cluttering her mentality abruptly, transforming the scenery. Death. All she saw was death. Despite knowing she was an immortal being, she knew it was coming for her, too. It felt like a passage to some other life unlocked, and she was wobbling through it without a way to stop.

"Darling?" Druig said, realizing she had stopped in the middle of their walk. Recognizing the golden markings on her face, his brows crinkled. "Oh, no."

Hastily, he plopped the basket of berries aside and slowly commenced approaching the girl.

"Darling, I'm here," he said, wanting to get close enough to impede her from declining to the ground when the moment came to use his capabilities. "I'll always be here."

Evaluating his movements, she strode a notch backward. "Everyone is going to die." Assembling mass flames, she wasn't conscious of the actions she was performing.

"You are safe, Y/n. It's Druig," he mumbled as he readied for a quick battle.

Just like he predicted, she lobbed her energy at him, and he swerved out of the path. Conducting the fighting strategies Y/n had taught, he lunged after she got a couple of punches in, and he gripped her wrists with one hand, wielding them in the air to stop the fire from stemming. Keeping her back against a tree, he smiled sadly as the aroma of pine lingered.

"Y/n, stay with me," he mumbled as he placed his other hand on the side of her face, her body toiling.

Pausing, she felt his gracious touch as her breath grew winded and lost, distracted by the sensation of sudden safety. Close enough to use his ability and put her to sleep, her eyes were exempted from the gold that tarnished them, and she lost consciousness. Druig caught her smoothly. He had done it many times that it became like a monthly routine.

"You're safe with me," he whispered, even if she wasn't awake.



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