─︎ eleven || мyтн ─︎

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War is a disquieting aspect of humanity. Somehow, people always found a reason to commence it, almost as if it were a repetitious process destined to pick up where one left off. No matter how many losses and how many innocents suffered, they never seemed to learn their lesson. Although no one was allowed to help, it didn't restrict the group from tiptoeing away and doing tiny tasks to assist without their leader, Ajak, realizing. Fires originated in many areas of the civilization, and it seemed like the screams grew worse and worse each time Druig tried to drown them out.

According to their leader, the deviants were close to being exterminated and idling in the forests, so that's where the group was. Returning from her deviant-killing mission, Y/n regrouped with Ajak, Thena, Druig, Makkari, Sersi, Phastos, and Sprite.

The others were dealing with the last monstrous creature, and once the deed was done, it would leave them without a purpose. Ambling to her boyfriend's side, she took satisfaction in the quick peck he placed on her lips as a gracious welcome. Distracting the immortals from their discussion, innumerable gunshots dawdled in the distance, occasionally striking human flesh and inflicting demise. Feeling a shudder arise, Y/n slightly wavered, incapable of identifying the peculiar emotion prowling. It didn't feel like remorse, but something from the past.

As Druig and Ajak bickered over the humans' calamity, she blinked briskly along with Thena. Bright emblems loomed over their facial structures, and the argument insinuating was not recognized in their minds.

"It's too late," Thena muttered as she and Y/n stared straight ahead. Oddly enough, their mounting memories were in sync. Detecting her unnatural tone, the others swiveled their scrutiny to the goddess, but Druig's attention was on Y/n. Recollections of death plagued the females' brains. Everywhere she turned juggled some form of torment, and it frightened her immensely. The only thing they knew to do was fight their way out of it.

"Darling?" Druig whispered while Sersi called out to Thena.

"Everyone is going to die," Y/n added, her demeanor bizarre. Instead of her typical glimmer of life in her eyes, they brandished no sentiments.

"Are you well, darling?" Druig questioned, exceedingly apprehensive. No answer was obtained. Flares that were tinted distinct specks of scarlet and orange made their appearance on the palms of her hands, and Thena summoned her weapon. Thanks to the diverse training he had with his girlfriend, he knew how to circumvent her strikes and blazes.

"Y/n?" Druig exclaimed as she ambushed him, her immaculate combat capabilities making it difficult to persevere unscathed. Catching everyone by surprise, Thena attempted to execute Sersi. Vigorously, Makkari whisked the Eternal out of the way. Occupied with his girlfriend, Druig couldn't focus on what was ensuing with the other immortal. Exhibiting a dagger in her hand, Y/n severed the air as Druig stumbled back, eyes vast with uncertainty.

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now