─︎ тwenтy eιgнт || тroυвle ─︎

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Earth had been their home for years. They had watched humanity build and love. Leaving it behind wasn't something ideal, but the thought of any other Eternals being blinded by loyalty gave them enough inclination to explore.

Saying their temporary goodbyes to their family was difficult, but their determination to see each other again was indestructible. Jack wasn't a fan of his favorite aunt and uncle taking off, but after assuring him that they would visit, he was more accepting of their plan.

Settling in their new room in the Domo, the couple gaped at the new wedding bands on their fingers, witnessing how they glinted like woven glows of moonlight. Engraved on the jewelry were their names, joining them together for eternity.

As she sat on the bed, Y/n furrowed her brows when an unforeseen surge of dread overwhelmed her veins. Spotting the change in her behavior, Druig sat beside her, concerned. "Y/n? Are you alright?"

"Something's wrong," she mumbled, unable to explain the pit forming in her gut. It was confounding and draining, warning her about something she could not possibly predict. She thought of all the potential events that could result in pure chaos, but none of them felt correct.

"What is?" Druig asked.

"I don't know," Y/n admitted, and she wouldn't know for a long time. "But something's happened."


The gut feeling that had been tormenting Y/n for weeks was proven right. None of the Eternals that remained on earth had contacted them.

"It's been weeks." Makkari signed. Everyone stood in the main room, hoping they would receive a message to confirm that their skepticisms were wrong. "We haven't heard from any of them. It's like they disappeared."

The thought of her family disappearing without a trace drove a spear through Y/n's spirit. Phastos, Sersi, Kingo. All of them were gone. She prayed that wasn't the case. Phastos had a family to care for — a son to parent and protect to the best of his abilities. If he suddenly vanished, she didn't want to imagine the heartbreak Jack and Ben were experiencing.

Arms crossed, Thena said, "Arishem. We have to go back."

Killing Tiamut evidently didn't sit right with Arishem, their former leader. Instead of leaving them and the earth alone, he wanted to unleash judgment on the Eternals.

Druig muttered, "He's an asshole."

"Biggest one there is." Y/n agreed, irritation fuming. Despite how much she wanted to rant about how much Arishem was in the wrong, she felt something emerge in a nearby corridor. Having felt the sensation too, Thena and Makkari got ready for combat.

Druig looked at the three females, confused why they looked like they were ready to fight a deviant. "What?" he said, chewing on a piece of bread. He glimpsed at his wife for an explanation, but her gaze was locked on the hallway. Daggers were held tightly in her hands, prepared to spill crimson blood. He put a hand on her back, anxiously awaiting whatever it was the female Eternals sensed.

A kaleidoscopic portal materialized and allowed an individual to pass through, promptly disappearing after they fell face-first onto the Domo's floor. Pulling themselves off the ground, they chuckled. "Ah! My ears. My eyes are numb. No more drunk teleporting for you."

He kept slurring his words and talking to himself, completely unaware that he was being watched and seen as a threat. "Um..." Thena said, but the unknown individual continued speaking.

"Hey!" Y/n exclaimed, making him shut up about how alcohol didn't solve life problems. "Who the hell are you?"

He remained quiet at the sight of her daggers, terrified to find out how sharp the blades truly were. "Those are some sharp weapons you have." He laughed nervously.

"There's a lot more where they came from. Now, who are you?" Y/n repeated, eyes narrowed.

"Hang on! Hang on!" He cleared his throat, readying himself to make the same introduction for the millionth time. Instead of answering her question, he imitated a peal of trumpets as another portal emerged behind him. "Behold, the royal prince of Titan, brother of Thanos, the Knave of Hearts, defeated of Black Robert..."

Appearing out of the portal much more gracefully than the first individual did, the man declared, "Roger."

"Oh. Defeater of Black Roger. The great adventurer, Starfox of Mystery Planet." the elf-looking person declared. The moment his name was revealed, Starfox stepped out of the shadows, his lips curved into a smile. He examined the Eternals, his eyes landing on Y/n, specifically because of the way her eyes held such mistrust.

Starfox said, "What a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my fellow Eternals." He turned to his elf companion. "You know, you don't have to do the whole thing every time."

"But everything you do is impressive!" the elf argued, refusing to drop the entire opening he made himself. "What am I going to leave off the list?"

"No, I know it's impressive, but there's no need to —," Starfox said.

Interrupting the man, Y/n inquired, "Who are you?" She showed no signs of kindness, wondering what the man's intentions were.

"I'm Eros. This is Pip." the man answered, eyes locked with hers. "And you are just as capable and beautiful as I thought you would be, Y/n."

Druig made a face, sickened by the man's attempt to flirt with his wife. Jealousy roared within his heart like a vociferous thunderstorm. The second Eros took a step toward Y/n, Druig got in front of her. "Back off."

"Who are you?" Eros asked, baffled by Druig's hostile tone.

"I'm her husband, Druig." the male eternal said bitterly, making Thena and Y/n share an amused look. "And I suggest you back off."

Eros chuckled, taking a step backward. He didn't want to start an unnecessary conflict with the people he was trying to assist. "My apologies," Eros said genuinely, hiding his disappointment. Slightly lowering the man's enviousness, Y/n put away a dagger and held onto Druig's hand tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Thena asked, changing the subject.

"Pip and I are here to help." He revealed the same golden orb that Ajak and Sersi used to possess, trying to settle their doubts before things got out of hand. "Your friends are in big trouble. And we know where to find them."

Consumed with concern for their friends, the Eternals looked at each other and debated whether or not to trust a man they just met.

Conflicted, Druig refused to let his guard down. Maybe it was the fact that Eros flirted with his wife. Either way, Druig didn't like him. "What's in it for you?"

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