─︎ ғιve || мeмorιeѕ ─︎

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Cautiously, Ajak hovered her hand over Y/n's wound, using her ability to mend it. Almost instantly, the torn skin on the warrior's face shifted slightly, rebuilding together until there was no indication of a blemish ever dwelling on her cheek.

Meanwhile, strident emotions contorted through each of Druig's organs as his mentality continuously reminisced about the sentiments he now truly uncovered with Y/n. For the first time in a long time, Druig didn't have an explanation for something that came across as understandable, almost as if it were staring right in front of him, taunting.

Shockingly, the female that lingered in his mind also pondered about him, as well. No matter how hard she strived, maintaining her distance from the others seemed to be an unthinkable operation, particularly when it came to Druig.

Druig seemed to draw her in every time, making it impossible to say no.

She mentally grumbled at the discovery of the genuine significance of her feelings. It was just the kind of thing she was trying to squelch, but she let it transpire, nonetheless.

Although they didn't know, this wasn't the first time they had cultivated feelings for one another. Each time their lives reset into a new realm, the duo always bewitched each other, causing their minds to plead to find out more about each other. It didn't matter if their memories weren't conserved. Their indestructible cycle of devotion never withered from existence.

In fact, it prospered stronger each time, even if their fresh start commenced with an improbable scenario.

Something about the feelings igniting within them felt familiar. Whenever they approached each other, it appeared their past promises still thrived.

"Promise you'll love me forever, my beautiful, beautiful, Y/n." Druig would say, inciting an intractable smile to heave the intersections of his partner's lips.

"Pinky promise." Y/n would acknowledge, fastening their pinkies with a touch so gentle.

Planet after planet, nourished memories compiled in their brains, eventually being removed and replenished like clockwork. None of the life resets made a distinction in their relationship. The type of affection they possessed was eternal and, in a way, they were soulmates and destined to end up together, shrouded by vigorous reverence. Perhaps they will contradict their uncertainties regarding love before it's too late.

But that will only happen if they don't push each other away.



Things persisted how they usually were, besides the additional walls Y/n built up to obstruct Druig from making her stomach flutter relentlessly. Unfortunately for her, it never functioned. Somehow, the man shattered them each time unknowingly.

"Please take me with you, darling!" Druig urged, requesting to accompany the girl on one of her midnight getaways. For some unusual reason, the sensation of the brisk air producing goosebumps on her limbs made her feel alive and unrestricted.

"What did I say the first time, Druig?" she questioned, calculating what would be the simplest way to get rid of him. Knocking him out would be a reasonable option, but she knew he would hold it against her for the rest of her life.

"You said no, but I'm sure my charisma can deviate your prior answer." Druig teased, yearning for a beneficial acknowledgment. "Plus, I'll tell Phastos you stole one of his inventions to relieve your boredom and bother Ikaris."

"Fine." Y/n mumbled hastily, envisioning how disgruntled the ingenious immortal would get. Dubiously, she stretched her hand out, permitting him to grasp onto her tightly and interlace their fingers together. Familiar warmth meandered up her arms, making her disguise a smile. "Ready?"

Druig nodded. "Always, darling."


He had never felt the breeze against him so prominently and fresh. He had never seen the planet from a different perspective besides when he was in the Domo, and now that he had, it deformed his views on Earth.

"You see this every day?" Druig questioned, memorizing each frivolous fragment of his surroundings from the luminous stars in the atmosphere to the standing highlands.

"It's magnificent, isn't it?" Y/n asked, gaze focused on the terrain as she soared and held the male eternal's hand to stop him from plummeting. Thankfully, all she needed to do was hold somebody's hand if she wished for them to fly along with her. Wanting to see the smile on her face, he tilted his head, shifting his admiration to the resourceful girl.

"It is," he said as he smiled slightly, noticing how hard the female tried to stifle a grin.

"Okay, I am going to do something dangerous, but you won't die, alright?" Y/n declared openly, still not catching on to Druig's admiring stare. Before the man could contradict her, she let go of his hand, letting him drift downwards deliberately.

"What are you doing?" Druig exclaimed, feeling the air surge around him as he continued to plunge towards the brine below him with Y/n beside him.

"You'll be fine, idiot. Just relax," she said, closing her eyes as she appreciated the wind jostling her hair back.

"How the fuck do you relax?" Druig questioned loudly, noting how close he was to the ocean's surface. Right before he hit the ocean, Y/n latched her hand onto his, stopping him from facing an unwanted contact with the saltwater. Breathing heavily, Druig blinked a couple of times, processing what just occurred.

"I told you to relax. I wouldn't let you fall to your death like that. That would have been embarrassing for you, and I am not that cruel." she joked, and Druig remained silent from the panic. "Did you shit your pants, idiot?"

"You could've given me a warning!" Druig contended, meeting her eyes.

"You didn't deny that you shit your pants," she commented, ignoring his remark. "Next time, I'll give you a warning."

"Next time?" Druig questioned, not sure whether to be delighted or frightened at the possibility of another getaway. "So you'll take me with you on your midnight flights?"

"Don't get your hopes up, Druig," she responded.

"Too late," he admitted, admiring how the moon reflected off the ocean, shimmering. Almost as if he had no control over his own body, he reached out to touch the water, shivering once his fingertips connected with it. Water droplets sprinkled in spontaneous directions because of it, earning him a smile from Y/n.

"Is that a reaction, darling?" Druig questioned, smirking.

"So you made me smile? Big deal," she commented jokingly. "Surely the iconic Druig could do better, right?"

"I suppose I'll have to try harder than." he sighed, lifting his hand away from the water.

Secretly, his heart thumped, thrilled to have gotten one step closer to discovering who she truly was.



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