─︎ ғoυrтeen || ѕ'мoreѕ ─︎

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Despair occupied her whipping heart, the oxygen around suddenly becoming nonexistent. Ajak was dead. The woman she viewed as her mother was dead. The woman who wrote to her constantly with heartwarming notes was dead.

'Dead.' she repeated in her head, practically as if she couldn't filter it to make sense. Seemingly, that announcement wasn't enough. Something people always unintentionally or intentionally search for is a purpose. Whether or not they find it can be a breaking point. Originally, deviants were their center focus, what they fought so hard to eliminate, reckoning they would go home. Her true purpose was kept secret.

To top it all off, she wasn't suffering from a disease. She was being bombarded with bundles of memories she didn't want yet still felt curious about. Years and years of being convinced she was conceivably insane were lies, fabricating the truth. Ajak had lied massively, but Y/n couldn't bring herself to perceive any animosity.

"Please tell me you're lying," Y/n whispered, studying the suffocating aura as her knee bounced anxiously. Everyone was sitting down, silence wrenching inside the building. Druig placed his hand on her thigh lovingly, interrupting her leg from bouncing uncontrollably. "Please?"

"It's true. I'm truly sorry, Y/n." Ikaris acknowledged as the girl's eyes assembled tears. Something about him was off. Upon reviewing his demeanor, he obviously possessed an ambiance gliding around that didn't match the situation. Nonetheless, she wasn't sure if the grief was making her delusional or not.

"Are you guys sure it was a deviant?" Y/n said, making Ikaris' heart accelerate.

"Unfortunately, yes," Sersi mumbled, hands seated on her lap awkwardly.

"You've given us a lot of bad news in one go, my lady," Druig said, concealing his true emotions to appear unaffected. Perhaps if he was, it would help steady the girl beside him.

"Will you two help us?" Sersi questioned with indecision. Daring decisions were what Druig was known for, like invading the humans' minds and, in a way, safeguarding them from threats.

"I am glad that ─︎," Druig began before Sersi's cell phone commenced playing a ringtone. 'Juice' by Lizzo evoked the girl to hustle and hang up, but it was already too late. Slanting her head to face her boyfriend, Y/n and Druig exchanged a smile, obstructing a string of laughter.

"Impeccable timing," Y/n commented as she pushed back her tears, endeavoring to disguise the grief with humor.

"I agree, darling." Druig nodded.

Ikaris sighed. "I see you two still can't focus."

"And I see that you're still a dick," Y/n complained, glaring. "Some things never change."

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now