─︎ ѕιхтeen || jacĸ ─︎

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Grief is a strange emotion and unpredictable. How it affects certain individuals is a mystery humans still try to decipher to this day, knowing they would fall flat in the end. The immortals were not used to grieving someone from their family. That was the whole thing about being an Eternal. Until the news of Ajak's death arrived, they never died.

"Are you alright, my darling?" Druig asked, scanning her face for injuries as she sat on the bed. She had an occasional scratch here and there, but, ultimately, in one piece. "You scared me."

"I didn't mean to," she replied, directing her boyfriend to sit beside her body. "I'm sorry, love."

"There's no need to apologize," Druig whispered, noticing the glossy coat over her eyes. "Darling?"

"Ajak and Gilgamesh are dead," she whispered, staring at a mound of letters on her dresser. Surely, at least of them belonged to her departed family. Words they had written recited in her head hauntingly. "I just always thought I would have them around, you know?"

All she felt was a vortex of sorrow and exhaustion, causing her to be unqualified to concentrate on one thing at a time. It was exactly what she wanted to prevent all that time ago: the unexpected pain of losing someone she loved. Clearly, her plan hadn't been successful.

Druig sighed, comprehending her desire to sleep peacefully. With the image of her dead family member in her brain, he knew she would not slumber effortlessly. "Come here."

Leaning against his body, the female Eternal relished the way his arms bandaged around her, making her feel like the most indomitable person in the world. If only that were true.

"You know, Ajak knew how I felt about you way before you," Druig recalled, cradling her head gently as his voice soothed her worries.

"Did she?" Y/n smiled, feeling his chest rise. She could imagine Ajak saying all kinds of things about the couple. "I bet she shipped us."

"Without a doubt. Our number one fan." Druig chuckled softly. "She instructed me to not creep you out with my so-called staring."

"Staring?" Y/n teased, eyes droopy. "Did I fascinate you that much?"

"I wouldn't call it staring." Druig defended, intertwining their fingers. "I was simply... admiring. She called us soulmates."

"And to think I tried to hate you." Y/n joked. Alleviating her facial features, her eyes shut as she was conquered by her weariness. Only in his arms was she able to sleep.

Druig smiled, glad she was finally getting the sleep she deserved. "I love you, too."


𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now