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"How do I propose to her?" Druig said as he used his hands to communicate with Makkari as well. He always made sure Makkari was included in the conversation. Jack was distracting his future wife, allowing the others to scheme the perfect proposal.

"Don't be like Phastos. He was stuttering the entire time." Ben said, preparing a small snack for when Jack returned.

Phastos glared at his husband. "The only thing I can do is invent things. Anything else is difficult."

"I second that. Why didn't humans make things easy for themselves? There's rent, school, white supremacists, and all that. We should have steered them in a better direction." Kingo commented, gulping down a soda as Karun analyzed the discussion with child-like curiosity. He would never get over the fact that he was friends with a group of immortal heroes.

"We are getting off-topic," Thena said, redirecting their attention swiftly. Of course, everyone listened to what Thena said. They would never admit it, but her eyes were scary enough to get them back on track instantly. "Druig here is too chicken to propose without the perfect plan, so come on. Focus."

"I am not too chicken." Druig countered, scoffing lightly.

Smiling, Makkari signed, "You have had two weeks to do this. It's safe to say you are too chicken." Trying to find a way to prove them wrong, Druig paused, coming up with nothing.

"Okay, that's not the point," Druig huffed, waving his hands to move the discussion along. "You all suck at this."

"Says the one who asked us for advice." Ben retorted, earning a small chuckle out of Phastos.

Making an effort not to rudely interrupt, Karun spoke. "Take her to a place only you two know. Make her think it's simply a small visit before leaving Earth. If she suspects something, it'll ruin the surprise."

Everyone paused, pivoting their heads to look at the human. "Pretty good for a human." Druig said, "Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"You all were overthinking it," Karun said, shrugging. "Yes, it's good to have a plan, but all that really matters is how strong your relationship is."

"It's settled," Thena said, getting the team's attention back. "Druig, don't mess this up."

"I've been in a relationship with her for more than a hundred years. Some humans don't live that long. How hard can it be?" Druig said, striving to make himself believe his own words.

Thena stared at him, detecting his false confidence. She turned to the group and said, "Yeah, he's shitting himself."

"Thought so," Phastos said.

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now