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"The sudden appearance of an enormous stone figure in the Indian Ocean has left more questions than answers for authorities." the reporter on the news said, displaying an image of whatever was visible of Tiamut. There was no doubt that humans would scramble to study the sculpture and come up with loads of theories, but they would never know the truth. It was probably better that way. Humans weren't the most understanding species alive.

Ben, looking at his husband, was more than shocked. His brows were pinched in bewilderment, wondering how in the world it was possible. Yes, he knew more than most humans did, but it was hard to believe sometimes. "You guys did that?" His tone hinted that he was slightly impressed and immensely concerned.

Taking another bite from his pizza, Phastos looked at his husband, glad that their mission to save Earth was successful. Without Ben and Jack, he didn't know what he would do. "I love you so much," he said with his mouth full, slowly chewing the delicious cheesy delight.

Y/n was resting next to Makkari, watching Druig get along with Jack. The immortal and the young human were whispering things to each other, their laughter making Y/n smile instinctively. She couldn't believe that her former desire to shut everyone out could have robbed her of life with the man sitting in front of her.

"Druig, what are you two whispering about?" she questioned, suddenly suspicious of their intentions. The duo had made quite the name for themselves with all the harmless pranks they did over the weeks.

"Don't be nosy, darling." Druig teased, his smirk emerging. The plan to keep Y/n from discovering his desire to propose a secret was working. "You'll figure it out sooner or later."

Kingo gently tapped Y/n's shoulder, gesturing to her to make room for him on the couch.

"Don't you dare sit next to her," Druig said, quickly getting up with Jack on his tail. Druig cautiously sat next to his lover. "This is my seat."

Y/n smiled at his minor possessiveness, feeling her skin tingle as he slid his arm around her shoulder.

"I got there first," Kingo complained as Karun watched the TV curiously from the kitchen.

"You can sit with me, sir," Karun commented, pulling out a seat for his immortal friend.

"Thank you," Kingo said, changing destinations. "You're the only tolerable one here."

"Excuse me?" Y/n and Jack said in unison as the young kid sat on his aunt's and uncle's lap.

Realizing his mistake, Kingo corrected, "Except you two, of course. Both of you are on my list of favorites."

"That's what I thought." Y/n chuckled as she gave her nephew a high five.

"Do I not get a high five?" Druig questioned, looking at his girlfriend.

She shook her head. "Nope, you're not worthy."

Druig scoffed affectionately, smiling at the mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, I am dating you. That means I am more than worthy."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Y/n joked, leaning onto his shoulder. Jack hopped off the couch, running to see what his Aunt Thena was doing. Confused by all the weird human inventions in the room, Thena was playing around with a toaster, sticking her hand in where the bread would usually go.

Concerned, Jack inquired, "Are you okay?"

"I get confused sometimes," Thena answered with a faint smile, leaving out the part where Gilgamesh usually helped her figure things out with unbreakable patience. She tried to not seem intimidating, hoping not to scare the child away.

Understanding her comment, Jack nodded. "Yeah. Me, too." Seeing his favorite fruit high on one of the shelves, he hopped up and down with his hand extended out, trying to reach the mid-day snack. "So, Dad said you're the goddess Athena."

Politely correcting the kid as she leaned against the kitchen sink, Thena replied, "'Thena.' Drop the 'A.'"

"Oh," Jack said, making a mental note to not mess up her name again.

"Hm." Thena hummed, noticing what the boy wanted from the shelves.

Curious, Jack questioned, "So, what's your superpower?"

Answering his question without using words, Thena summoned his weapon, spearing the orange and carefully lowering it so the kid could pick it off. Grateful, Jack grabbed the fruit, admiring Thena's golden weapon. He could practically feel the power radiating off it. His mental parent radar going off, Phastos abruptly stood up when he realized a dangerous item was around his child. As he scolded Thena, which had no effect, Y/n and Druig watched the interaction.

"Maybe we are both the nosy ones," Y/n whispered once she realized they were both immersed in someone else's conversation.

Druig shrugged. "Yeah, probably." Wanting to settle the matter once and for all, Druig held his hand out. "Thumb war. If I win, I'm worthy of a high five. If you win, I'm not."

Eager to take on his challenge, she grabbed his hand in confirmation. "Deal. Get ready to lose."

"I never lose, darling," Druig said, his accent distinct.

"Your unbroken streak of defeat in rock-paper-scissors begs to differ." Y/n retorted.

"You two are actual children," Kingo said, shaking his head to hide his desire to join.

Druig said, "Don't act like you don't do the same thing."

As always, Y/n won.


For Sprite, she was finally getting the beginning of a new life, a true one that allowed her to form relationships and do all the things she dreamed of doing. Thanks to the leftover energy from the Uni-Mind, Sersi was able to fulfill Sprite's wish to be human. She may have to go to school and interact with others, but for once, she could be normal. Humans dream of having the powers she did and being immortal, but the truth was that it was exhausting.

She was stuck in the same place, stuck in the body of a child. Despite her true age and the more than average intelligence, society was not made for her. She couldn't adapt like the others did. If anything, it threw new challenges left and right, but that was all going to change.

Kingo was loading her things into a taxi while Sprite held onto Y/n, not wanting to let go. Y/n had become her safe place, and she always would be.

"I'll miss you, Coca-Cola," Y/n whispered as she cradled Sprite's head. "Break people's self-esteem."

"I do that daily." Sprite chuckled, relishing what she could have lost. Y/n was still injured, so Sprite was careful about how much she squeeze her. "Can't you come with me?"

"Sprite, you're free." Y/n declared as Druig admired her from afar, talking to Sersi. He had zoned out of the conversation, realizing that he needed to propose eventually. "I'll visit. I promise, okay? Promise me you'll tell me all about it."

Sprite nodded. "Promise."



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