─︎ тwenтy one || deadly ─︎

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Druig knew Ikaris was keeping a secret. He speculated it was about something about the emergence, but the truth was more baffling than he previously expected. The stinging of betrayal followed and made its impact.

"You couldn't have predicted that he killed Ajak," Y/n said, reading his expression with ease.

"I should have," Druig said, his hands stuffed inside his pockets. He fiddled with the ring every once in a while, verifying it was still there. Ikaris's treachery was affecting the team, leading Kingo to almost discontinue his mission.

Thankfully, Y/n convinced him to stay, but he would not hurt his 'boss' nor would he deceive them as he did.

"He really fooled us, didn't he?" Kingo said, pacing around the main room.

"Look if I'm gonna get myself killed going up against Ikaris ─︎," Druig said.

Arms crossed, Y/n immediately interrupted, "─︎ which I won't let happen ─︎"

"─︎ we'll need to have a backup plan," Druig replied, noticing her protective demeanor.

"All of our powers, even if they're amplified, are not enough to kill a Celestial, so..." Phastos said, his sentence trailing off.

"Sersi did turn a Deviant into a tree." Druig countered. Phastos instantly expressed confusion, his eyes darting at Sersi.

"I'm sorry, what? You didn't wanna tell me that?" Phastos scoffed, perplexed that he hadn't been informed.

"I thought you knew." Y/n said, raising her hands up in surrender.

"I don't know how it happened, okay? And I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it again." Sersi said, dipping her head to evade eye contact.

Phastos laughed humorlessly. "Well, now is the time to try, don't you think?"

"Phastos, that deviant is dead. Our plan is to put Tiamut to sleep, not to kill it." Sersi defended, believing his suggestion was deranged. "I can't kill a Celestial. We can't."

"It's okay, Sersi," Druig said, ending the slight controversy. "I got this."


The entire team arranged their suits on, preparing for a battle they didn't want to take place. Recognizing that Y/n had wandered off, Druig traipsed the halls randomly, hoping he would run into her. He knew she had her concerns and doubts about Ikaris going after him.

Finding her in the same place they first met, he smiled, admiring. "Déjà vu?"

"Definitely," Y/n chuckled, not even turning around, almost as if she knew he was there the entire time. "I remember how you tried so hard to figure out my name at this very spot. It was embarrassing, really."

"Ah, and in the end, you never told me." Druig smiled, going to her side. "Ajak did. That day, I made a promise to myself that I would find out who you truly were."

"Did you?" Y/n teased, their eyes meeting. "Were you that obsessed?"

"I said I was intrigued by you, not obsessed." Druig acknowledged, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Y/n rolled her eyes jokingly, leaning into his frame. "And I remember you said I wouldn't get a reaction out of you."

"Oh, how wrong I was." Y/n said, laughing at her past self. "I wish I could go back and laugh at my face." Comfortable silence immersed the couple, letting them relish the view of the slopes of seemingly endless sand.

"I hope you know I won't let you die," Y/n whispered, breaking the silence. "I can't."

"I know," Druig mumbled, pressing a kiss on her head. "And I won't."

"You missed my lips." Y/n said, pivoting her head to face him.

Chuckling, he perched his lips on hers, cherishing it like it would be their last. He could smell the ravishing scent of her shampoo. He never got tired of how her lips felt, how his heart always fluttered faster, how nectar sweet and addictive it was. At her lips' touch, he felt the thousands of thoughts burn in an ember glow into ash and assemble into something more passionately fateful. He had trouble disconnecting from her, but the need for air became utterly unbearable.

"Let's just hope our kiss wasn't deadly," Y/n mumbled.

He couldn't reply. All he could do was hope for the same thing.


Waiting for the team to make their move, Ikaris and Sprite reclined on the isle, attending to the volcano belching disconcerting fumes into the air replenished with lightning.

"I'm glad you're here. Thank you, Sprite." Ikaris said, glancing at her. Sprite remembered when his voice gave her warmth, when it would make her want to give up everything and reveal the truth. The chill she got didn't match the ones from before. It had been infected with duplicity. She could remember Y/n's complexion ─︎ shocked, deluded, and doubtful ─︎ when she fled and how betraying her felt sickening.

All Sprite could muster to do was smile and continue listening to the volcano's distant rumbling.

"Protect the emergence," Ikaris commanded, confirming his plan to kill her family. The Domo could be seen arriving in the distance, which was almost completely hidden by the clouds.

"You're really gonna kill them?" Sprite said, her smile switching into a frown. Ikaris didn't respond. "Don't hurt Y/n."

"What?" Ikaris said, facing her with mistrust.

Sprite continued, "She has been there for me more than anyone else. Do not hurt her."

"Okay." Ikaris nodded. He failed to mention how quickly he would break that promise.

what do you think will happen later? :)))

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