─︎ ѕιх || cavern ─︎

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Not one day had passed without her in his mind. Even the diminutive steps closer to uncovering more about her individuality made a smile stretch across his face in prospect.

When the moon's reflection glimmered brightest off the bleak-looking brine, they met up at their hidden spot, where both of them clandestinely prayed the other would arrive faster. After a while, Druig got used to plummeting towards the sea and Y/n retrieving him at the last second. Sure, he didn't panic anymore, but it did take some of the entertainment out of it for Y/n.

One of the most open-eyed people in the group of everlasting beings was Makkari, along with Sersi. Realizing Y/n's closed-off demeanor, they accumulated lavish strategies to bring her closer to the group, wanting to know more about her and maybe get Druig and her together. God, it was unpleasant watching her try to withhold her feelings for him, and Druig's languished endeavors at getting Y/n to open up. Thena even determined to pitch in, only formulating more suggestions to bring the pair closer than ever before.

"We should make them jealous of the other spending time with someone else. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, Druig is the only one she hangs out with." Thena deduced, fiddling with a small sword in her hands as she speculated about how her suggestion would play out.

"Maybe, but who would be willing to participate in that?" Sersi questioned.

"I will take Druig and get her jealous," Makkari signed, overjoyed to get them closer together.

"Ikaris can take Y/n. I'm sure I can convince him." Sersi smiled, remembering how they investigated the egregious tension between the two other eternals.

"Are you sure? Everyone knows how you feel about him." Thena commented, slightly concerned.

"I don't own him, and he is capable of making his own decisions," Sersi noted. "I am not worried." She was right. Ikaris didn't necessarily glorify Y/n's presence, and the feeling was mutual, but he was accommodating to go along with the plan for Sersi.


Despite how outrageous the plan was, they prayed it would work. The whole day, Makkari attempted to keep Druig busy while Ikaris somewhat did the same. Y/n was proud to say she didn't like Ikaris. In her eyes, he was egotistical and a whole level of unendurable that not even Druig could reach. Each time she managed to shake him off her tail, he would essentially materialize out of nowhere. Meanwhile, Druig didn't mind his friend's company, but he was interested as to why Ikaris was spending so much time with Y/n. The myriad of times he saw her with him were uncountable, and even if he didn't acknowledge it, it antagonized him.

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 [𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now