─︎ тen || devoтιon ─︎

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"Are you excited about today?" Y/n inquired as they clutched hands, strolling towards where the wedding ceremony would take place. Bells jingled smoothly as the humans chattered, readying a marriage festivity.

"I suppose," Druig responded as he discerned Y/n admiring the civilization's culture, a glint of predilection in her eyes. "I would prefer if it was us getting married, though."

"Hm, I have to say, I am slightly disappointed that it isn't us getting married, either," Y/n emphasized, marveling at the hearty hues of orange that reminded her of prestigious sunsets. Melodies harmoniously played, and it disbanded a yearning to dance.

"Just slightly?" Druig scoffed. "You're lucky you're stunning because you are not good at lying."

"I am a great liar." Y/n countered, creasing her brows.

"You really aren't, darling." Druig teased as they finally arrived at their destination. "There's no need to deny it."

"Alright, there is a highly probable chance I may be lying." Y/n shrugged, acting as if it were no big deal. "You may never know."

"Sure," Druig declared sarcastically, his voice trailing off as the event started. Soon enough, Sersi and Ikaris stood face to face, the room stored with candles and auras of devotion. The other Eternals attended the event, a maelstrom of emotions gathering. Completing their vows, the zeal in the married couples' eyes meshed with desire. Spending no time, their lips united like many times before while the team awed.

Unknown to most, bitterness blended inside the compartment along with the enthusiastic emotions, which came from a certain Eternal who wished she could have what Sersi did. Growing old and getting married were things she desired hopelessly, but they appeared out of reach.

"Someday that will be us, my darling," Druig whispered in Y/n's ear, generating a shiver to snake down her back and build goosebumps she accepted sincerely.

"Do you really think that?" she teased in a quiet tone, initiating eye contact as they shared their mutual adoration for one another.

"Without a doubt." He smirked, fastening his arms around her waist and sloping his chin on her shoulder. "Do you?"

"Definitely, my love," she whispered, pivoting her head to recognize the man's loving gaze. "I promise." Fortunately, she would keep her promise, just not in the way she thought.



Each of the immortal beings perceived humans in their own way. Some treasured the mortals' cultures and traditions, going out of their way to be entangled in the community. On the other hand, some simply like the majority of humans' identities and how they defined themselves. Unfortunately, all good things have an unfavorable perspective, and they can outweigh all the fortunate.

While the moon was full, Druig had wandered off, wishing to stop the humans from destroying each other until they were all meaningless ashes and bones. Powers begging to be exploited, his shimmering eyes gleamed before a hand on his shoulder made him freeze. Knowing the feeling of her palm, he softened, and the wonderful lacquer in his eyes vaporized.

"Did you think you would sneak away that easily, love?" Y/n whispered, granting an auspicious smile.

"No, I knew you'd find me," Druig remarked, attempting to have the same teasing tone, but the conflict in front of him hindered that from transpiring. Hidden from the view, they sat on the steps of an enormous structure, painstakingly observing the warfare and sounds of adversity.

"I'm sorry, love," Y/n said, discovering what the male Eternal was so upset over. Almost immediately, he knew what she meant without needing to question it.

"It's not your fault that Ajak won't let us help," Druig guaranteed, but it didn't terminate her melancholy. Pleasant silence descended around the couple before Druig spoke up, shame plundering his thoughts. "All of this can be stopped in less than seconds, you know? All these dilemmas and massacres can end if I just help them."

Reinforced with an urge to comfort the man with seething tears of guilt, she allowed him to lean his body against her, cradling his head as she muttered invaluable reassurances. For him, Y/n allowed him to feel vulnerable, to show a side he refused to display to others.

"None of this is your fault, my love," Y/n whispered as Druig let out a few silent tears.

"It is," he muttered, draping his arms around his agirl.

"Did you start all these wars? No," she responded, tenderness exhibiting in her phrases. "You, Druig, are a man with a kind soul, but it is not your fault. Humans conduct their own actions. You didn't make them do this." To anyone else, those words might have signified nothing, but it lightened the hardship Druig maintained over the years.

"What would I do without you?" Druig chuckled fondly.

"Crash and burn," she responded with a wholehearted smile. Gently releasing him from her comforting grasp, Druig arranged his palm on the side of her face, glimpsing at her lips frequently.

"I love you," Druig whispered, smiling as Y/n wiped off his tears, his skin burning with earnestness. He held a couple of things and people close to his heart, but now, it seemed like she had been overrunning it entirely, and he embraced it completely.

She replied with an affectionate expression. "I love you."

Powerless to restrain himself, Druig boldly attached their lips, making both of them lose the feeling of the cold air skimming against their skin. All they felt were each other, exchanging their appreciation. The kiss was effortlessly sweet and full of fervor.

It was a thrill both of them wouldn't forget.


Sorry if there are any mistakes! I did not exactly proof-check it! Any thoughts or ideas?

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