─︎ eιgнт || conғeѕѕιon ─︎

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After the minor deviant fiasco, Druig attempted to circumvent Y/n and Ajak at all costs. He swerved past buildings and people as if he were in a maze, trying to find the perfect hiding spot. In all honesty, the sensation he discerned when she got injured frightened him.

"Hey, Makkari. Where's Druig?" Y/n questioned, finding his peculiar absence disturbing.

"Why? Is there something I should know?" Makkari signed, teasing the other female.

Chuckling lightly, she responded with a concerned expression, "Fortunately, no. I just find it weird that I haven't seen him when he is usually right next to me. Plus, he could be trying to play a prank on me."

"You enjoy his company." Makkari teased further, silently celebrating that Y/n was at least getting close to one person on the team of immortals.

"As much as I hate to admit it, maybe a little." Y/n sighed, glimpsing at her surroundings to conceivably locate Druig sauntering around with a random piece of food in his hands. "So where is he?"

"I knew it. I was going to tell you, eventually. I just wanted to hear you admit it." Makkari informed with her hands, a smile slithering onto her lips carefully.

"You truly are evil, Makkari." Y/n signed with a chuckle.


"Druig?" Y/n called out as she trekked the wilderness, sensing the twigs and leaves crunch under her feet. Everything she glanced at was pure verdant green and vibrant plants, making it all seem like she was in a labyrinth or an enormous garden. Towering trees obstructed her view from the sky, allowing her to admire the subtle darkness encircling her.

"Druig?" she repeated. Looking up at the trees, she caught sight of a particular someone hoping they weren't spotted, Druig.

"There you are!" she exclaimed, floating up to sit on a branch with him, which wasn't very high. It was tall enough for someone to safely jump off of. "Why did you disappear for this long, idiot?"

"Why are you here?" Druig questioned, not answering Y/n's query. "I thought you wouldn't come looking for me."

"I was just weirded out at the fact you weren't bugging me each second of my day." Y/n joked with a smile, not catching on to Druig's defying mental conflict. He didn't like being afraid, and as most people do, they push away those apprehensions.

"So I have to be with you all the time?" Druig retorted, hoping an imaginary barrier would be built between the two. Bringing her brows to a furrow, her smile dwindled.

"Have I done something wrong?" Y/n asked, attempting not to reveal the concern in her complexion. "You have been avoiding me since the deviants attacked."

"I just don't see any reason for me to always be around you," Druig said a bit too harshly, not meaning a word he said.

"I don't know what has gotten into you, but I don't force you to hang out with me. To be honest, I just somewhat enjoy your company." Y/n uttered simply. She was the type of individual to not accept anyone's bullshit, and that pertained to Druig's boneheadedness. "Sorry if I made you feel like you had to, but that isn't the case. If you'll excuse me, I'll go find something else to do, so I don't have to listen to your absurd insults."

Annoyed, she hopped off the tree branch and began trotting back to the human civilization.

"I'm sorry." Druig declared, finally processing everything he had just stated as he followed closely behind her.

"Apology not accepted until you tell me what's bothering you." Y/n contended, continuing to stroll through the forest as he sighed.

"I just ─︎ I care about you a lot, okay?" Druig blurted out as his accent became more elaborate and unmistakable. "When you got hurt, I just ─︎ I'll admit it, I freaked out." Stopping her outraged hike, she whirled around, scrutinizing directly into his eyes to distinguish the truth. Nothing in his eyes indicated he was fibbing, and she repeated what he had declared in her head.

"I care about you a lot."

"You care about me," she expressed, disguising it as a question as she processed his confession, stepping closer to the male.

"I do. Is it really that hard to believe?" Druig sighed, tired of suppressing the emotions warping in each of his limbs. "I care about your witty and annoying remarks, your smile, the way you try to hold back a smile or laugh whenever I make a funny joke."

"Your jokes aren't that funny." Y/n interrupted, smiling.

"I am trying to confess something here." Druig chuckled, smirking as he operated his hands to gesture his profound and fake annoyance.

"Alrighty, my bad. Continue. Please feed my ego and give me validation." Y/n joked, nodding as she took another step closer.

"In each battle, you make sure that everyone else is protected, even if you get injured." Druig let out, pondering what to say next as the frogs croaked in the distance. "No matter how hard you try not to show it, you cherish this team deep down, and you fear getting close to someone because you may lose them in the future, exactly like I fear you getting hurt or killed."

"Jeez, you memorized all that about me during these long years of following me." Y/n teased with her face inches away from his.

"You also don't take anything seriously," Druig added.

"It's one of my many charms." Y/n gasped dramatically with a smirk, pretending to be offended.

"Sure," Druig said sarcastically before continuing his spontaneous confession. "What I am trying to say is that I like you, Y/n." At that exact moment, it seemed like silence took over the forest, causing Druig to hold his breath instinctively as he waited for an answer.

"As much as I hate to acknowledge it, I like you too," Y/n announced hesitantly, wondering how this new information would affect her life. Little did she know, it would affect her in the best way possible.

"Oh, thank god." Druig exhaled in relief. "It would've been humiliating if you didn't."

"Yeah, it really would have been." Y/n giggled as Druig looked down at her lips.

Without disinclination, Druig positioned both of his hands on her cheeks and connected their delicate lips. Heartily, she returned the bold gesture. It was like nothing the couple had ever felt before. A bundle of passion and desire inundated their minds, almost as if they were the only two people cruising the planet. Familiarity also lingered in their bodies, making them speculate whether or not they had done it before as they heightened their act of affection. Snaking his hands around her waist, warmth and a feeling of safety engulfed him.

"I told you I would get a good reaction out of you." Druig reminded, breathing heavily as they detached from the kiss.

"Shut up." Y/n giggled, resting her hands around his neck.

Perhaps they could tackle their fears together.



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