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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. The holidays ended just over a week ago and adapting to a new school can be pretty hard sometimes. Anyway, enjoy the story and I'll try not to take so long this time.

Night had fallen over the jungle biome. Kash's compound sat in front of us like a silent fortress with all its lights off. Six of us snuck across the clearing and towards one of the walls of the compound. We pressed our backs against the walls as we waited for Darius to make his move so we could get inside.

A few minutes of waiting, then the end of a rope lowered over our heads. We looked up and saw Darius on the balcony that connected to the rooftop golf course. I ushered everyone else up first before climbing up myself. I put my hands on the railing and pulled myself up with little effort. I turned and nearly had a heart attack when I ran face first into the jet-black BRAD-X that was still following Darius around.

Since Darius and I were the only ones who knew the layout off memory, we took the lead in taking them down the stairs. We walked to the elevator and opened it up for them. All of us except for Darius walked inside, we had to keep appearances until we knew it was safe for him to stay with us for good. "This'll take you down to the med-bay. He's testing the control chips on the baby dinosaurs first thing in the morning," he said.

"What about camera's?" Brooklynn asked.

"Mr Genius has been too busy to get the island's camera system up and running," Darius replied. "Message me on the BRAD-X as soon as you get the babies out".

"Don't worry, we got this, you stay safe," I held out my fist to him, he did the same and we quickly fist bumped. "Good luck, man".

"You too".

The elevator doors opened up into the med-bay, it was dark at first, but the more we walked in, the more lights switched on and illuminated the whole area. "Man, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go down here again," I muttered quietly.

A loud bang rattled the facility. I looked at a huge door and heard faint growling coming from the other side of that door. I did not want to know what was on the other side of that.

Ben walked over to a small screen on the wall in front of a door and looked at it. "Hey guys, I think I found it. It says there are only three baby dinosaurs in the nursery". He walked over to the door and opened it, leading us into a long hallway that split off in three different directions. We took the middle one and walked up to another door, another screen displaying what was inside. "Baby Brachiosaurus. Two months old. DNA extracted from Isla Sorna". He let out a chuckle. "Won't take me long. Where are we meeting after?"

"Med-bay," Brooklynn replied. "We'll load them onto platform and figure out which biome to take them too later". She grabbed Sammy's hand and ran back the way we came.

"Max, stay with me," Ben said. "We both tamed a dinosaur, and I think together we could do this in just a couple of seconds". I nodded and put my finger on the panel, opening the door up and the two of us walked inside.

The baby Brachiosaurus was asleep inside its little glass cage. It was a light brown colour and snoring peacefully. The glass door automatically opened for us and we stepped inside, Ben picked up a some berries from a nearby food trough. "Too easy," he snickered. He sat them down in front of the baby and knelt in front of it while patting its snout. I knelt down enxt to him and watched him at work. "Rise and shine, champ. You're friend Ben's here to save you".

The Brachiosaurus shot up and charged the both of us over, trampling us under its elephant-like feet. Despite its youth, it felt like my ribs had just been crushed. The baby ran circles around us, occasionally nicking us on its way. It felt like getting hit by a tree. The baby overturned every single thing in the room, its food, its water, its bed. "Ben watch out!" We couldn't get out of the way in time as the herbivore charged the two of us over one more.

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