End Of The Line

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"Ben! Hang on!"

I kept my grip on him as I tried to pull him up to safety, but the momuntem of the monorail, the wind pulling Ben away from me and my own lack of strength, was keeping me from doing anything worthwhile. That's when his grip started to slip, his hand slid down my arm and to my hand.

"Someone help me!" I screamed at the others. They didn't move. They were all just frozen to the spot, watching me with frightened faces. I looked back down, seeing Ben's grip had slid further down. The boy had tears going down his face as he flailed in open air. "Ben. Look at me. Look at me!" His eyes met mine and I set my face, showing him my determination. "I'm going to save you. You hear me!?" Ben's whimpers were the only thing telling me he had heard. "Listen, I'm going to count three and I'm going to pull you up, I'll need your help to climb so this works. Can you do that?"

Ben barely managed to nod as his free arm flailed to grip the sides of the monorail. "Ready?

"One". Ben grabbed the side of the monorail, ready to pull himself up.

"Two". I gripped his hand tighter as I prepared myself to pull him back.

"Thr-". A Pteranadon flew back and nicked Ben's leg. Ben suddenly screamed as he panicked. The sudden movement caught me by surprise and my hand slid further down. Now, we were holding on by our fingers. Ben's eyes met mine, his eyes were wide and full of fear. A Pteranadon swooped down and hit him. And my hand clasped open air.

My mind barely caught up with me. By the time it did, there was no sign of Ben. I looked left and right, up down, in the sky, down in the jungle. He was just... gone.

My shaky breathing was the only thing I could hear as my hand was still reaching out hoplessly. Bumpy walked to the edge of the monorail and roared out at the silent night.

Nothing happened.

Yasmina was the first to break the silence. "Oh my- he's gone". She said, her voice breaking.

Kenji fell to his knees, he spied Ben's door pouch nearby and scooped it up, Darius didn't move. "I won't believe it!" Sammy yelled.

Yasmina stopped her, "Sammy no," she said, Sammy started crying, while Yasmina struggled to keep her own tears back. Darius turned and glanced at everyone. I could feel his gaze on me. I knew he could see my face, holding nothing but shock.

I slowly got to my knees and fell backwards, resting my back on a seat and curling myself up into a ball as my breathing got even more shaky.

Darius looked back to the trees, filled with the guilt of thinking he could have done more. He looked back to the tracks of the monorail, and noticed something. "We're going back" he mumbled, then yelled it. "The monorail is going back!"

They rounded another corner. "What do you mean 'the monorail is going back?" Brooklynn asked.

"When Ben switched the tracks we changed direction," Darius said, running to the control panel and desperately clicking every button there. "We're not going to the south docks, we're headed away from them". He tried every button but none worked. "Doesn't anything here work!?" He yelled banging his first on the panel. "We got to get off this monorail now!" He yelled.

Brooklynn looked out the window and spotted the tracks dipping down. "The tracks dip down up ahead," she yelled. "We can jump out there".

"Jump?" Sammy cried. "We can't jump".

"We have to," Yasmina yelled.

"It's the only way," Darius exclaimed.

Everyone was lined up, ready to jump. The monorail dipped down and all at once, we leapt off. We plummeted down into the trees, snapping through the canopy as we hit hard ground. We barely had a second to recover as we suddenly rolled down a steep hill. Suddenly, my back hit the truck of a tree, painful noise being heard. Everyone slowly got up. "Is everyone ok?" Darius said.

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