Chaos Theory

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Brooklynn had caught us up on everything while we were prisoners. According to her, Hap was on our side the entire time. When Brooklynn and Kenji made a break for it, Hap followed them and was knocked unconscious by Ben who had come out of nowhere. When Hap regained consciousness, he had tried to take Kenji, Brooklynn and Ben to a garage he had found to grab a vehicle which they would then pick us up and take us to the south-west docks where, apparently, Tiff and Mitch's boat was waiting. Those two adults had lied to us about everything. Before they could grab a proper vehicle, the group of Baryonyx's we had encountered back at the clinic had attacked them and they had to settle for a motorcycle. Kenji and Brooklynn made it out, but Hap had died saving them. Then they nearly ran over Yasmina in the jungle who had just escaped from Mitch and Tiff. In an attempt to catch up to us, they went into the tunnels and they found a backup control room and redistributed the power all across the island. It was them who had saved our lives with the flashing lights and hologram.

"I said Mitch and Tiff are going to the watering hole to kill all the dinosaurs," Darius yelled. "Their headed there right now I...I now what I have to do". We looked at him in confusion, "I'm going to the watering hole, I'm gonna stop them".

"Absolutely not!" Sammy cried. "You'll be killed if you go alone".

"Darius, we could barely stand up to those two when there were four of us," I said. "How long do you think you'll last if you take them by yourself?"

"Look the only reason Tiff and Mitch know about the watering hole is because I showed them," he said. "I'm sorry, listen, Hap said they had a boat at the north-west dock, take the others there and get off this island". Sammy and I glanced at each other with lost expressions, we knew how important it was for us to get off the island but we also knew we couldn't leave Darius behind.

"We're staying with you, Darius," another voice said over the speakers, a voice that I thought I would never hear again. "Forget the boat, Tiff and Mitch are going down," Ben said with determination. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe it, somehow Ben had survived on his own.

"Ben!?" Darius cried.

"You're alive!?" Sammy added.

"Oh right," Ben said, "you guys didn't know, well yeah I'm here now," a crackly roar came over the speakers. "Bumpy also says hi...and I defeated Toro". I was frozen in shock, Sammy and Darius were too, we didn't reply, we couldn't, we didn't know how. "I think I broke them," Ben said.

"Yes, Ben's alive," Yasmina said. "We're all very happy about that".

"The point is we're not going to just leave while Tiff and Mitch kill dinosaurs," Brooklynn said, "we're in, now how can we help?"

"You guys don't understand," Darius said. "You guys can get to the boat, save yourselves!"

"No, you don't get it," Brooklynn sternly replied, "we're in this together so we'll finish it together".

"Woohoo, it's dinosaur saving time!" Sammy cheered, "camp-fam for life".

"Okay," Yasmina said. "So now that we've established life long camp-fam status, how are we going to stop them?"

"Feed them to the Mosasauras!" Ben said. I raised an eyebrow at the speaker.

"Really feels like we're not getting the best out of the Mosasauras guys".

"Well if they're going to the watering hole to kill dinosaurs...," I said

Darius looked down for a moment before looking back up with a more confident expression, "...then we just got to make sure there aren't any dinosaurs for them to kill, it's time for us to do what we do best".

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