Halfway Home

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Max ignored the passing glances of bystanders as he and Kenji walked down the sidewalk, with their admittedly loud talking, though he was sure that their conversation wasn't the only reason people were looking their way. The legend of the Nublar Seven had still not died down even after months of coming back and people still recognised their faces whenever they were in public area. By they now they had gotten used to it, but Max didn't like the crowd it drew sometimes.

Kenji on the other hand, loved the popularity, though he preferred it when he was alone and didn't have a friend with them, though he wasn't impatient with them or anything, but with Max, he kind of just wanted to have a normal day with his friend, not out soaking in the fame where ever it might come in.

"I thought the trend would have died down by now," Kenji commented, waving over to a person who pointed them out his friend.

"Well, what can you do? Sooner or later the worlds got to treat us like regular teens again," Max replied dryly.

Kenji leaned in close to his face with a dramatic thinking face. Max leaned back slightly, confused at his action. "I sense something in that sentence that I'm supposed to be picking up," he said. Max rolled his eyes with a smile as he nodded. "Yes!" Kenji cheered. "Brooklynn's lessons on social cues pays off! So what is it? Your old pal Kenji is ready to make all your problems, melt away".

Max grew downcast. "Okay, but let's get something to eat first," he suggested. He knew Kenji was never one to refuse to food, so the two of them walked over to the nearest fast food restaurant they could find and ordered whatever looked tasty to them. Once that was done, the two carried their food out of the building, walking through some streets before they came to a small park with several tables scattered around.

Max and Kenji sat across from each other and tucked into their meal. "I thought all the inheritance from Mantah Corp would net you something a little more substantial," Max commented, looking at his friends food.

"Well, I got to set all that aside so I can keep the island running," Kenji replied, rolling his shoulders dramatically. "Seriously, though it is so dumb that I own an island, but can't tell anyone about it". The two chuckled at that, then Kenji leaned in. "All right, what's got Sir Max in a pinch?"

"Two things actually," Max answered, rubbing his hands together nervously. "Okay number one. You know how Yaz and I have been going to the same school for a few months now. Well, they want us to keep our time at Nublar to ourselves".

"Well, that's just stupid," Kenji scoffed. "How do they expect you to move past it all if you can't talk about".

"Our thoughts exactly!" Max exclaimed, pointing to him in agreement. "We have since called them on their crap and talked openly about it anyway inside and outside of school, but now its getting us in trouble, but for some reason, she always seems to get a harsher punishment than me. We theorise its because she's got a lot more going on at school than me, so they want to try and scare her back into performing at her best on track".

Kenji nodded. "I feel your pain, brother. And the second thing?"

Max sighed putting his hand on his forehead. "It's, well... it's dumb, but I keep having strange flashes of memories of our time on Nublar".

"Well, that's to be expected," Kenji said. "We've all got that sometimes".

"Yeah, but not like this," Max said. "I remember things from my time on Nublar, but the outcome is different".

"What do you mean?" Kenji asked.

"We all made it off the island, and yet, I can see you all dying on different moments". Max's voice grew shaky as he continued. "Like Sammy to the Scorpios-rex quills. Darius, to a T-rex. You, to a herd of stampeding herbivores. Ben, never made it back to us, instead, he died fighting Toro. Brooklynn torn apart by Baryonyx's and Yasmina... I lose her to Mitch and Tiff, she's shot instead of me, and she...doesn't recover. 

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