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It's hot.

Oliver feels like he's burning from the inside out, melting as the alpha kisses him senseless.

He feels like he can't breathe, everything is too much and somehow not enough. He tries to tell the alpha that, tries to warn him.

The scent of fear mixing with the sweetness of his slick and heat is enough to give the alpha a warning.

"Shit," the man growls in frustration, "so you're in a heat drop?"

He should've noticed as soon as the door opened to reveal the pungent smell of desperation and need.

"Al-Alpha," he whimpers, tears streaming down his cheeks, "alpha please, please, please!"

The alpha's hold on curved hips tightens and Oliver can practically feel the bruises that are beginning to paint his skin. He salivates at the pain. He needs more.

"Silly omega," the man growls, the sound deep and reverberating from within his chest.  It makes Oliver weak in the knees as slick soaks through his briefs and sweats, makes the cloth cling to his pussy and thighs uncomfortably.

"Fuck me," he breathes weakly, "please alpha, fuck me."

The alpha's predatory smile promises both pain and pleasure alike.  It draws a whine of need from the omega's prettily swollen lips which makes the alpha mad with want.

He tosses the omega easily onto the motel bed with a bounce, the makeshift nest makes the alpha rumble a pleased purr.  The sound is enough to make the omega preen at the approval.  By no means is it his best nest, but it'll do so long as the alpha approves.

And the alpha must approve because moments later Oliver finds himself naked, red eyes ravaging him with a single stare.  The heat of the gaze makes him squirm where he lays.  He needs this man like he needs air and with little hesitation and any second guessing quickly withering away, Oliver parts his legs, the cool air of the room hitting his dripping  pussy.

If the alpha is surprised by what's in between his legs and the soft mounds of his chest, he doesn't show it.

In fact, he doesn't seem to care because the flushed pink heat draws the alpha in like a beacon.  He crawls in between the omega's thighs, not once tearing his eyes away from the glazed over ones of the omega brimmed and red rimmed with tears. Those tears are motivation for the alpha, enough that a sinful pink tongue darts out and delves into the shiny folds of the omega's core, lapping at the slick like a man dying of thirst.

The sounds are obscene, the sight is pure filth.

But it's not enough.

"Alpha," Oliver hics, "alpha please, need you, need your knot, need you inside."

The alpha pulls away from the omegas little click (clit/cock) with a wet pop.  He admires his work, bruises and hickies adorning pale trembling thighs and click pink and swollen and hard.

"Need my knot, you said?" The alpha rasps.

Oliver nods and fuck he begs oh just so prettily that it drives the alpha wild when a moaned, "please," escapes those lips parted on a sharp gasp.

The alpha unclasps uncomfortable jeans and tugs down his black boxers before he lines his cock with the omega's pussy.

He glides into the heat unrestrained. Smooth and deep until he bottoms out. Oliver's back arches beautifully, taking it like the good bitch he is.

"You like that, don't you?" The alpha huffs, enraptured by the flushed face revealing scattered freckles, lips open in a silent gasp at the full feeling.

Painfully slow, the alpha drags his cock back before slamming right in again.

"Oh god," Oliver whimpers, babbling as the alpha sets a steady pace, "more, please, alpha, more."

The alpha is only too happy to comply as he fucks the omega thoroughly, grunting when his knot begins to swell and catch on the well-fucked rim of his omega.  The omega's breath catches in his throat.  The alpha's eyes remain deep pools of blood red.  In the cloud of his heat mush brain the omega recognizes the alpha entering rut.

That makes something inside the omega loosen in endearment. The fact that the alpha syncs with his omega so perfectly makes him ache with want.

He wraps his arms loosely around the alpha's broad shoulders, bringing their bodies impossibly closer with the gesture.  Moans and whimpers fill the room as their sweat soaked bodies glide in unison.  The sound of skin against skin, of squelching slick and pre-cum between them makes the omega dizzy.

Slowly, the bed creaking stops as the alpha's knot swells to its fullest girth and finally locks within his needy body. 

"Such a cum slut," the alpha puffs against his ear, "Come on my omega, cum on my knot my little bitch."

Oliver moans, body tensing as he clenches around his alpha's thick pulsing cock.

That's enough to trigger the alpha's own orgasm.  Canines elongate and the urge to bite, claim, and fuck into oblivion overtakes him.

The alpha's jaws ache and he can't find it in himself to hold back.

He tilts the omega's head up, exposing that delicate column of neck until his mating gland is exposed and he bites.  Hard.

Copper quickly fills his mouth and coats his tongue, eyes blown and dilated with only a thin line of red visible.  The bite held intent, want.

But the omega is blinking wide hazy eyes up at him in surprise and confusion.

As the shock fades, something else overtakes him.

With a broken voice he accuses, "you didn't bite me."

The tears pooling in his brown doe eyes spill down plump cheeks in rivulets.

The alpha looks at his own hand poised over the omega's gland in an attempt to cover what would bind them forever.  Embedded in his hand are deep teeth marks with small wells of blood smearing his skin.

"You didn't," the omega sobs, feeling a vice wrapping around his heart, "you didn't bite me... w-why?"

The alpha's heart aches at the heartbroken sight, but rather than comfort him, the man crushes the omega's heart with no remorse, "because you're not worthy to be my omega."

The alpha presses closer, his knot burying deeper into the heat of the omega.  The omega wraps his legs around the alpha's hips and without warning he flips them until he's on top, looking down on the alpha, cock still firmly buried inside his pussy.

His hand scrambles around the bed until he finds what he's looking for.

He wraps his fingers around the hefty handle of a gun, lost in their tussle to fuck.

He lowers it and points it in between the alpha's eyes with intent.

But the alpha doesn't shrivel, no, he pushes the omega, tempting him to do something they both know he won't, "Yes Oliver?"

Oliver shivers at the sound of his name, "you say I'm not worthy of your bite, of your claim."

His hand begins to tremble and he knows he's not capable of shooting this man.

"Next time," he rasps as the alpha swivels his hips distractingly, large hands immediately cupping his own and easily disarming him, "next time I won't hesitate."

That rips an amused laugh from the man beneath him, the alpha rumbling pleased at the challenge even as he tosses the unloaded gun to the side until it clatters on the floor.

"I can't wait, omega."

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