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Oro's rut only lasts two days.  Oliver wakes before the alpha and wraps a sheet around his body before limping out of the room.  He tries not to make much noise, and internally celebrates when he makes it to the door without alerting the man.

He misses the way red eyes linger after him when he's gone though.

Oliver almost doesn't want to join the pack for dinner when it grows dark, but he hasn't eaten in over two days and he thinks he'll throw up if he doesn't eat.  He thought he was done and over with the nausea, but morning sickness isn't truly confined to the morning nor to the first trimester.  It sucks.

He makes his way to the dining room with a hand against his lower back, rubbing soothingly in hopes that the ache will go away.  He stops at the entrance of the room, surprised when he finds not only the pack but Oro as well.

He makes to sit beside Boa, but again finds no set up.  He bites his lip, wondering if he should scrounge the kitchen for a snack instead.  That's when he hears the scrape of a chair and sees Oro stand from his seat.

Oliver pauses, eyeing the alpha as the man pulls the chair and offers it to him with a look of disinterest.

"Now or never, omega."

Oliver nods and waddles toward the head of the table.  He's surprised when the alpha pushes him in.

"I won't tolerate any bullying in this pack.  You're all grown as fuck and I would expect you to know the value of a pregnant omega in a pack.  If Oliver eats, we all eat.  If he doesn't, then neither do we.  Do I make myself clear?"

Oliver's heart races at the statement, and it aches when the pack agrees in unison.

"Eat," the alpha orders.

Oliver feels tears well in his eyes and he doesn't fight the alpha on this.  He's absolutely ravenous and he digs into the warm food without complaint.  It's a subconscious thing he does when he turns around to offer a bite to his alpha.  The man eyes him wearily before accepting and it makes the omega croon and chirp in delight at the trust.

He knows it's all a show though.  He can't bring his hopes up or else he'll only hurt himself in the end.  Oro is not a forgiving person, he knows that first hand.

When they finish and the plates are cleared, Oliver excuses himself with the intention of going back to his room.  He feels Oro hovering and he doesn't know if it was the rut or the lingering pheromones that's made the alpha act kind toward him.

He contemplates this until they reach their respective rooms, but the alpha doesn't let the omega go just yet.

He pulls the omega by the hand, and drags him into their den.

Oliver stumbles and the alpha has to slow down to make sure the silly omega doesn't hurt himself or the pup.

"I'm okay," Oliver reassures as soon as he catches his footing.

The alpha simply huffs before dragging him toward their nest.  A small smile makes Oliver's lips twitch as he flops on his back onto the bed.  He splays out like a starfish, breathing deeply and closing his eyes.

"Why am I here again?" He asks quietly.

"I haven't slept as well as when you're with me.  My alpha is restless if I don't see you, I constantly think you're plotting something behind my back and I'm always on high alert.  But if I keep you close, I know exactly where you are and what you're doing."

Oliver sighs, "I'm not though.  I've accepted my fate.  You've decided how this ends, I just want to make sure our pup is born safely."

The alpha doesn't comment on that.  Instead he joins the omega in bed and curls around the younger man.  Oliver is more than content to become the little spoon again.  He won't lie that sleeping with the alpha and hearing his heartbeating again is the only way he can fall asleep now.  So, he turns around and rests his ear against the man's chest and breathes deeply and evenly.

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