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The omega wakes up on his own six weeks later.  No sniffling or cooing from the bassinet, no hyperactive toddler banging on the door, no noise whatsoever.  He blinks the sleep away blearily and looks to his side to find Oro snoring softly.  He's resting shirtless on his front with his hand tucked under his pillow.  Oliver admires him for a second before deciding he needs to stretch, and maybe take it upon himself to make breakfast for the pack.

He slips out of bed and grabs his alpha's hoodie to toss over his marvel graphic t-shirt.  He pulls on some sweats and heads outside, quietly closing the door behind him. His steps are muffled by mismatched socks as he makes his way through the halls.  Just as he reaches the kitchen he peers out of the window and his curiosity is piqued.

The door in the kitchen leads to a big stretch of greenery.  The sun is barely peaking over the edge of the trees and it looks a little gloomy if he's being honest.  When he pushes the door open he's assaulted by a gust of wind that makes him shiver despite the warm summer air already making him feel humid and sticky.

He debates on going back inside for shoes, but decides to screw it as he steps onto the wet grass in socks.  He grimaces for a moment before quickly adjusting to the feeling if wet socks.

His attention immediately falls to several guns on display on a bench.  Across the yard are targets with multiple bullet holes from previous practice. 

He's watched the pack come out and shoot a couple of rounds with beers in their hands.  He never dared approach them when their relationship was rocky at best and he was still carrying Verlee.  But now there's no one around and really wants to give it a try.

They always make it seem so effortless, so cool, when they pick up a gun and simply shoot.  He thinks it's simple enough so he goes for the first cool looking one he sees.  There's a tube in the barrel and he briefly wonders what it is.  A silencer maybe.

With some hesitation, he steps up the mark and aims at the target.  He clicks off the safety and that's when his hand starts to tremble. Memories of the loud booming as he shot his alpha flash in his minds' eye.  He feels his breath hitch and without meaning to, he pulls the trigger.

The recoil is harsh and he would've stumbled back if it weren't for a hard body pressed behind his back.

A sleep voice coos against his ear, "wrong gun for a novice."

Oliver flushes pink, "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

The man huffs, "so what if you did?"

"Sorry, alpha," the omega repeats sheepishly.

The alpha rolls his eyes, letting go of the omega's middle to search through the guns.  He picks up a revolver and pops it open to load it. Without a word he hands it to Oliver.

Oliver clicks the safety of the gun in his hand and trades it with his alpha's.

"Try that, tell me how it feels."

Oliver nods.  He takes a deep breath,, aims, and fires.

The recoil isn't as bad and he feels steadier with the new weight.  He winces when he completely misses the target though.

"Your aim is shit."

"Thanks," Oliver says drily, "I didn't notice."

The alpha laughs before stepping behind him and adjusting his posture.

Oliver feels all warm as their bodies press tightly together.

The alpha holds his arm and together they aim and fire.

This time the bullet marks the outer circle, Oliver feels pride swell in his chest.

"Better," the alpha comments.

Oliver's gratitude is more genuine when he says, "Thank you."

A beat of silence passes before a curious, "So," the alpha drags, "practicing to kill me or...?"

"Too messy," the omega replies, "I'll think of another way."

Oro raises a brow unamused.

"You'll be the first to know when I figure it out," he promises.

Oro snorts, squishing the omega's cheek with his index and thumb, "cheeky little shit."

Oliver's smile is wide and he clicks the safety of the gun before putting it down and hugging the alpha.  He presses a kiss against the man's lips and buries his face in his neck.  The alpha scents him liberally, covering him in that scent of rain and electricity.

"You're shivering," he notes.

"I feel fine," the omega sighs.

"What are you doing out here, anyway? Just for shits and giggles?"

"Yeah... I saw the guys practice before and I wanted to try... but I was scared because of the baby.  Now that there was no one around I felt confident enough to give it a hand."

"What if you got hurt?"

"You're here, aren't you?"


"Yeah, yeah, come make breakfast with me?"

"Who do I look like?"

"Like my alpha," Oliver smiles and then he's tugging the alpha by the hand, "Come on."

"Only going so you don't burn my house down."

Oliver gasps offended, "I would never."

Oro rolls his eyes again, "you know what, let's just go back to bed, I'll order Colt to make something."

"I feel-"

"I know, I know," the alpha interrupts, "if it makes you feel any better, Colt doesn't know how to cook for shit either so he'll probably just order out anyway."

Oliver muffles his laughter.

"That alright with you?"

"Yeah," he nods, wiping a tear of amusement away, "sounds great."


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