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Oliver makes the effort to visit Manny every Sunday.  He makes small talk with Serefina and learns little things about her, about his pup, and occasionally about Oro too.  It's refreshing.  His favorite part, though? Is getting to play with Manny, getting to push him on the swings and teach him how to use the monkey bars.  His absolute favorite is hearing his squeals of laughter, his giggles of joy. 

It's in moments like these that he spots Boa leaning against the oak tree where Oro first introduced him to their pup.  It's been like this every week, every time he heads out.  Someone from the house is always volunteering to follow him, to protect him from afar.  It would be endearing if they weren't so overbearing and obvious about it.

So, when he's nearing six months, Oliver makes the bold move to shake the current beta following him around.  He can't move as fast with the pup, but he picks a densely packed street and tries to lose him in the crowd.  Oliver is proud when, somehow, it works.

Oliver pats his belly with a small smile, receiving a gentle kick in return.  He huffs a small breath of amusement before making his way to his OB/GYN not too far off.  He's excited to see his little one again, to see how much they've grown.  He knows for a fact his pup will start running out of room, the heartburn and kicks to the rib is enough to let him know as such.

He's brought back after goring through the routine vitals.  He heaves himself onto the bed and lays back. The pup is grainy, surrounded in those deep black and grey swirls.  But the outline of the baby is more defined.  When he looks at the screen, he can clearly see his baby stretching and yawning.  He startles when a moment later he feels a hiccup. He looks at his belly covered in goop and wishes he could pat it lovingly when it seems the pup startles themself.

The doctor smiles before turning to him a little pitiful.  The loss of his alpha has been documented, he knows.  It was the deciding moment when he was categorized as high risk without his alpha and the pup's sire to bond with.  So it's no surprise when she comments on his weight, on how he needs to eat more.  His baby is on the smaller side, but otherwise is healthy and that's all he cares about.

He tells her he'll try, like he's been trying since the moment his alpha died.

"That's all I ask for," she smiles at him.

Oliver nods, his eyes landing on the papers in her hands.

"Here you go," she finally gives him the printouts, "Are you sure you don't want to know the sex?"

Maybe it's the fear that something can still go horribly wrong, or maybe it's the guilt telling he doesn't deserve to know like his alpha never got the chance, regardless he declines again.

Oliver instead takes the ultrasound and stares at it reverently.  The doctor pats his shoulder before leaving to tend to other patients. He schedules an appointment on his way out and leaves gratefully.

The weather is finally starting to turn a bit nicer, the days a little bit brighter.  By the beginning of summer he should be able to hold his pup in his arms.  There's an excitement thrumming under his skin at the thought.

With a soft smile Oliver makes his way to the main street, intent on finding his current bodyguard so they can go home.  He clutches onto the ultrasound picture tightly.

Unfortunately, he doesn't get far.

Just as he's about to cross the street he feels someone behind him, a little too close for comfort.

Warm air tickles his ear and causes a shiver to crawl along his back, "Don't move."

Oliver tenses the moment he feels something sharp digging into his lower back.

He's warned again, "Don't."

But Oliver can't be bothered.  He needs to see.  He needs to place a face to that achingly familiar voice.  He turns around, eyes widening when they land on the man.

The man who has dark stubble on his cheeks and jaw.  The first few buttons on his grey shirt are undone and Oliver would recognize him anywhere, would recognize the poppies inked on his skin anywhere.

Still, it feels like he can't breathe.

The man scrutinizes him, his eyes narrowed to a harsh glare as they trace Oliver's features, trying to capture the moment of surprise but not fear.

And then they land on the obvious roundness of the omega's belly.

"You're really pregnant."

Oliver bites his lip, worried that the alpha will press the knife a little to hard where it rests on the underside of the swell.  The alpha seems to catch where the knife rests as well before he pulls back to cover it with a sheath and pocket it.

Only when it's out of sight does Oliver nod breathless, "Yes."

The alpha takes a step back, breathing heavily as he scrubs his face in frustration.

"I didn't lie," the omega frowns after a moment.

Had the alpha really not known?  Did the alpha die believing he would lie?

No. He didn't die, did he?

The glare settles back on him at that and Oliver bites his tongue.  The man wraps his hand around Oliver's neck, fingers curling and thumb rubbing against the omega's bare mating gland. Oliver can see the man's internal struggle, can see the man fight against the urge to strangle him.

He whispers softly, relaxing in his hold, "I'm so sorry."

"Fucking hell," the alpha curses, "what the hell am I going to do with you?"

Through Hell [AOB/LGBT+/mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now