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The omega grows curious as he clambers on top of the alpha.  The man is, for all intents and purposes, sleeping.  Or so it appears.  Oliver can't help but swivel his hips, trying to get comfortable on his alpha, as he admires his handsome face.  It's been over six weeks and they've been cleared to... fool around.  For some reason, Oliver has found himself shy whenever the man tries to initiate something.

For once, he finds himself aching enough to want to try again.  His lips touch the alpha's and he whimpers when it's returned with just as much fervor. Red eyes open wide, peer into his, into his very soul.


Oliver flushes bright before pressing another kiss to the man's lips to stop any other question from escaping.  The room is filled with panting, with whimpers and soft moans.

"You have to be quiet," the alpha warns, gaze flickering to the bassinet beside their bed.

Oliver nods, eager to please.

Oro gives the omega a small smirk before flipping them until Oliver is the one pressed against the mattress.  Oliver muffles a gasp of surprise before he opens his legs so the alpha settles in the grove his thighs make.  The alpha is gentle.  He works Oliver's dicklet until it's nice and swollen, plump and red and achingly hard.  Oliver's eyes brim with tears and he tries to warn the man that he's closed.

Just as his lips open on a moan, he feels a finger probe the folds of his cunt before it presses  inside- glides smoothly with the slick building up. The squelch is obscene when Oro decides to add a second digit.  The rhythm is slow with purpose.  Oro moves his fingers in such a way that they brush against the roof of the warm slick walls, pressing against the rough G-spot that makes Oliver's thighs quiver.

"Alpha," he gasps.


"Mo-More," Oliver whimpers, begs.

His cheeks have this permanent flush as sweat builds on his brow.  Oro loves the look of the omega under him, writhing and moaning and begging with tears clinging to his dark lashes.

He pulls out his fingers, using the slick as lube before gliding inside the omega in one swift motion, so deep until he's pressed inside the younger man to the hilt.

Oliver tenses.  He can never get used to the man.  To the delicious length and girth that fills him just right.  His thighs squeeze around the man's hips, nails dragging across the expanse of his alpha's back, leaving pink welts in their wake.

The alpha is cruel.

Too cruel.

He looks at his omega, rubs his hands along the length of his flanks, up and down, hands briefly pausing on the omega's chest, calloused thumbs rubbing swollen pecs, around budding nipples.  Oliver shivers, feels himself tighten around the alpha's heavy cock as he continues his torture.

"Alpha, please."

"So beautiful," the man praises, "handsome, gorgeous."

"Please move," Oliver hiccups on a soft sob of desperation.

The alpha doesn't move.

Instead, his left-hand trails back down, and just below the omega's navel, he pressed down.  Oliver's eyes widen in surprise at the sensation, at the sensitivity as his back arches.


Oro smirks, coming down and nosing at his neck, lips closing on a bare patch of skin before sucking and bruising and biting until it's blooming pinks and purples.

Oliver's walls flutter around Oro, clenching tightly when the man finally moves his hips.

The omega orgasms embarrassingly fast, the alpha's lips drowning his sobs of pleasure.

The alpha isn't far behind.

The darkness of their room is filled with their racing heart, with their soft pants of exertion.

Bodies sweaty and flushed and sticky.

The alpha doesn't move.

The omega hooks his ankles behind the alpha's hips, dragging him closer... deeper.

"Stay with me?"

The alpha smiles kindly, tongue flicking out to taste a stray tear on the omega's cheek, "always."

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