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Oliver is in the living room, watching over Manny as he colors random pages of a pixar coloring book.  Verlee is on a pillowy mat, doing tummy time.  At three months old Oliver is impressed with her strength as she lifts her head up all wobbly before laying down flat and gurgling in contentment. She coos softly, soon after she's shoving her little hand in her mouth to suckle.  Oliver smiles at her, picking her up and feeding her.

Oro walks in on that picture-perfect family, eyes lingering on his omega before he has to walk away to attend to some business. Oliver frowns when the man doesn't head toward his office. There's a door he's never paid any attention to that his alpha opens before disappearing down a flight of stairs with Colt right behind.  Oliver grows curious.  Hs gaze flicks up to Boa who is strolling toward the kitchen and the younger boy shakes his head.

The trauma is not worth it.

Oliver raises a brow but stays seated until his butt grows numb and Verlee is fed, burped and cleaned.  An hour goes by and there's no sign of his alpha coming back. Not until lunch time rolls around and by then he's grown hungry and Manny is impatient. Oro finds them each with a pout on their lips and he can't help but smile endearingly at them.  Oliver huffs as he stands, intent on stealing a kiss from the man, but stopping when he notices his hands.

Oro's knuckles are bruised and red, raw with caked blood.  He stares transfixed, heart lodged in his throat as he takes the man's hand in his own for inspection.  Oro doesn't pull back like he expected.  There is nothing to hide, Oliver knows.  Still, he can't voice his suspicion nor his concern.  He doesn't need to, the alpha already knows.

He states calmly, "It's business."

Oliver nods mutely, thumb rubbing the edge of the opened skin tenderly.

"You're not disgusted?"

"Nothing you do now can turn me away."

"I killed him," Oro admits, "wrapped my hands around his throat before squeezing his last breath."

Another nod and a shaky shuddering breath fills the omega, "why?"

"He deserved it."

"Okay... I believe you."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," Oliver assures, small pained smile on his lips.

Oro frowns, he pulls his hand away from Oliver's loose hold and buries his fingers in the omega's hair, tugging him close until their lips crash in a bruising kiss.  Until Oliver can taste blood.

"Why?" He pulls back, breathless and serious.

Oliver's smile turns more genuine, "Because I trust you."

The alpha sighs, a smile threatening to escape, "you really shouldn't."

"I know that, but I can't stop this," and he's guiding Oro's palm to his chest, right where his heart skips a beat with how close they are.

"You're ridiculous," Oro notes.

Oliver grins before saying, "No, I'm hungry, now hurry up. Manny and I want McD's."

The alpha's bark of laughter fills the void, fills any hesitation or regret.  It's enough that Oliver can go back to pretending they're a normal family, or as normal as can be.

Oliver picks up Verlee and grabs Manny's hand.  He looks back at the alpha, brow raised expectantly.  Oro takes the time to appreciate his little family before he joins them, hand at the small of the omega's back, guiding him out to the garage.

Oro is the one to personally drive them and Oliver is all giddy when he straps on both of their pups in the back and slips into the passenger seat.

The drive is short and the omega pretends not to judge the alpha when they're eating nuggets again.

"Wait," Oliver says mid handful of fries.

Oro's hand is hovering over the gearshift as he judges Oliver for speaking with his mouth full.

"I want a McFlurry."

The alpha looks at him in surprise and mild disgust.  Oliver doesn't take the silence well.

"Pretty please?"

And Oro finds that he can't say no as those brown eyes swim with pathetic tears and behind him a little voice also demands a McFlurry.

The alpha nods at last, "okay, alright, but don't talk with your mouth full or you're going to choke."

Oliver grins, celebrating internally and nodding along with the alpha's demands.

Another loop through the drive thru and Oro's heart lodges in his throat when Oliver dips a nugget into the oreo goop of ice cream.  He stares even more transfixed when Oliver opens a little container of Buffalo sauce and dribbles it like caramel on top.

The alpha doesn't say anything.

Not until they're home the next morning and Oliver is rushing to the bathroom to heave whatever is in his stomach.

He doesn't even voice his concern until later in the day when Oliver is feeding their daughter, swaying his hips as he paces the nursery and almost faints with Verlee still in his arms.

He puts a stop to it then.  He can't pretend he's blind to what is going on.  He can't continue letting Oliver ignore what's going on with him, inside of him.

Later that night he takes the omega into their bathroom and hands him a box.

Oliver's eyes flicker to the man.

His laugh is a bit derisive with disbelief and the thought that he may be... oh... oh his alpha is serious.

"You really think so?" He asks, voice small and wavering.

"You didn't experience this with her?"

Her being their daughter.

Oliver bites his lip, "No, I did.  It's just... she's only three months and I'm still feeding her and how..."

"You know the how."

"I-" Oliver flushes, "I meant how am I supposed to handle everything?"

"Nobody is expecting you to handle anything.  I'm here... the pack is here, you have an entire village, and then some, to help. You're not alone, Oliver... not this time around."

Oliver feels his nose twitch with that familiar burning sensation.  He sniffles and nods.  He takes the box while shooing the man to wait outside.  He follows the instructions, and waits to call the alpha back inside until the timer goes off.  He doesn't check.  He's too scared to check.

He opens the door and the alpha peers inside cautiously.

"I ca-can't."

The alpha pulls the omega into a tight hug and reminds him, "you're not alone."

With some resolve, Oliver flips the test over and he really shouldn't be as surprised as he feels when...


Beside the little bold "pregnant" are the words "3-4 weeks."

Oh shit.

Oliver stares wide eyed, gaze going back and forth to his alpha, "I'm pregnant!"

Oro smiles, "you're pregnant."

And he kisses Oliver like he's his entire world.

Through Hell [AOB/LGBT+/mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now