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As soon as they get to the pack house Oliver checks Manny over.  His blood boils when he sees all the bruising littered on the little boy's body.  He wants to kill whoever hurt his pup. 

Manny whimpers and coos at him, soothing the rage-filled omega with his small reassuring chirps.  Oliver calms marginally as he hugs the pup again and whispers promises of safety. The pup nuzzles against Oliver's chest with a sigh, sinking in the security the omega provides and quickly falling asleep curled awkwardly around the omega's pregnant belly.

A hand lands on the head of curls and Oliver looks at the alpha.

"When did you bond with my pup?"

Oliver bites his lip, sheepishly admitting, "my omega claimed him as our pup the moment we met."

The alpha hides his surprise well if there even is any.

"I didn't mean to," the omega explains, "I think it was triggered by the pregnancy but... I wouldn't change this for anything."

The sincerity makes the alpha puff its chest with a growl of approval reverberating from within.  He cuts it off before it can reach sensitive ears.

"You saved him," he sighs.

Oliver looks at the pup tenderly, "you did, Oro.  I wish... I wish I hadn't waited until something bad happened before taking him away.  But I couldn't just- I-"

"I know," the alpha assures, "I know."

Oliver nods, reclining against the cushion against his lower back, wincing when the pup in his womb shifts and stretches.  Manny startles at the sudden kick before curling around their little sibling tighter, small hand rubbing the spot.

"He knows," Oro notes.

"He's aware, it's instinct."

"So you haven't told him?"

"No... my concern was trying to fill the void of their alpha parent rather than try to explain to him that he's going to be an older brother.  He's smart though and he's already so protective of the pup."

The alpha hums.

Finally the man decides to sit beside the omega, carefully taking Manny onto his lap despite both omega and pup protests.

"You look like shit. You need to rest.  Manny is my pup, I can look after him."

The omega frowns, "I can-"


"He's mine too."

"He's not, though."

Oliver bites his lip, with a sigh he tries to stand up, but only manages to do so with the alpha's help and guidance.  The omega shrugs the alpha off once he has his balance and makes to go back to his room feeling hurt.

He undresses, feeling disgusting in the stained clothes.  He winces when he pulls off the sweater from his body and stares at the shard of ceramic embedded in his forearm.

"Fuck," he curses softly.

He pads quietly to the bathroom just outside his bedroom, trying to ignore the droplets of blood spilling on the floor with each new movement reopening the cut.  Once inside he turns on the faucet and lets the water run.  He runs his fingers along the jagged edge before taking a deep breath and yanking it out.

The broken pieces clatters to the sink as the water turns pink.


He reaches for a hand towel and presses it to the rivulets of blood.

A knock on the door scares him and he looks around in a panic deciding on what to do with the smeared blood all over the counter. He decides there's not much he can do.

He opens the door sheepishly and pauses when he doesn't see anyone immediately.  That is... until he looks down.

It's only been an hour but Manny has decided that's entirely too long away from his omega parent.


"Estoy bien (I'm okay)," Oliver assures.

The pup is looking at him with round eyes brimming with tears as he stares at the omega's arm.

"I promise," he smiles, he removes the towel to show the pup the blood has nearly stopped, "just a little cut, like a paper cut."

"Paper cuts hurt, too, papi.  I'll get daddy so he can kiss your booboo.  Daddy kisses my booboos and they feel better!"

Oliver tries to stop the pup only for the little one to find his alpha daddy standing right behind him.  The little pup running into his legs accidently is the only way Oliver realizes the man is even there.  His eyes widen as he meets the man's stare full of concern.

"Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?"

"I didn't know," Oliver answers, "I think it was the adrenaline, I didn't feel anything until I was changing and the thing got caught on the sweater."

Aside from the cut caused by the stray shard of ceramic, Oliver is fine.  Oro still looks him over, making sure neither him nor the unborn pup are majorly hurt.

He digs through the bathrooms cabinet, pulling away a first aid kit.  He makes the omega sit on the closed lid of the toilet and starts cleaning the drying blood around the wound gently.  His strokes are methodical and careful until the omega is all cleaned up.

"I can-"

"Shut up."

Oliver snaps his mouth shut and stares.  The alpha gets some aquaphor and slathers the slash generously before wrapping his forearm in a bandage with gauze.  Oliver tests his mobility once the alpha is done.

"Not too tight?"

The omega shakes his head, "it's perfect."

The alpha nods, putting everything away and helping the omega up again.

This time, they don't split ways.  The alpha carries the pup with one arm, and with his free hand he tugs the omega into his den.  Oliver knows better than to protest.

The alpha places the sleepy pup back in bed before helping Oliver finish changing.  Oliver gets flustered when the ruined shirt is carefully brought over his head. The alpha admires the sight of the omega, his belly round and chest puffy and swelling for their pup.  Eventually he tears his eyes away and gives the omega one of his shirts.  The clothes, despite being pregnant, still engulf the omega.  Oliver shimmies out of his sweats and changes his boxers with some of the alpha's, allowing the elastic band to rest just under the swell of his baby bump.

For all intents and purposes the omega looks good, cozy and safe.

"Thank you," he whispers, eyes lingering on the pup laying limp and drowsy in bed.

Oro nods and helps him slide right next to the sleepy pup.  Like a magnet, Manny cuddles against Oliver, rubbing his little nose on Oliver's sensitive chest before soft snores escape him in puffs of air.

Oro drinks in the image of the omega with both his pups.

Oliver wishes things were different when he catches the alpha's eye.

Through Hell [AOB/LGBT+/mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now