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Oliver wakes up in the backseat of the car still reeling with lingering nausea and completely disoriented.  His head hurts and his throat is sore and raw from the bile that burned its way up.  With a wrinkle of his nose he pushes himself up.  He sits for a moment, trying to think and not feel so numb.

"Are you feeling any better?"

Oliver flickers his gaze up to find Maddie staring with a raised brow, concern written on her face.

"Sorry," he rasps weakly.

"Scared the crap out of me kid," she huffs.

"Yeah... Sorry," he repeats again.

With a sigh she reaches toward him and ruffles his hair.  He has the sense that he's forgiven, for what? He's not really sure.


He nods, "just want to go home."

He crawls onto the front seat and digs the key into the ignition to start up the engine.

He needs to close his eyes for a couple of seconds before he finally starts the drive back.

"You sure you're okay now?"

Oliver sniffs, "I will be."

She gives him the benefit of doubt and nods. The drive back is quiet between them, soft music playing in the background to fill the awkward space.

 It's only when they're reaching the border that Oliver feels his anxiety spike again.

"How was your trip?" The officer, a male beta this time, greets.

"It was good," Maddie smiles charmingly from her side of the car.

The flashlight is pointed to them and then toward the backseat. 

"Did some shopping while visiting?"

But he's looking at them questioningly, like he doesn't buy it.

"Yes, we also went sight seeing.  Everything is in trunk," Maddie waves, "if you'd like to take look."

Oliver shoots her a panicked look.  Maddie can only shrug while the man is distracted.

"We'll take you up on that offer, pull over onto that side over there."

Oliver thinks he's going to puke again, Maddie elbows him sharply when he gags as he shifts the car into park.

The officer pulls Oliver's door open like a gentleman, "Please step out of the vehicle."

They both obey and he can tell Maddie is finally starting to feel antsy.

"Please pop open the trunk."

Oliver reaches for the trunk nervously, his finger slides under the handle where he feels for the button that opens the door.  It glides up easily. It's then that a large German Shephard comes to view, wagging its tail as it passes by.

Maddie makes to pet him, but the officer stops her, "Not while on duty, please take a step back."

Maddie nods, "so while off duty it's okay?"

Oliver snorts at that.

The officer turns a bright red at the poor flirtatious comment.

"We'll see."

The furry canine walks around the car, sniffing curiously and poking its nose inside the car.

Another officer whistles impressed at the boxes shoved into the car.  

Through Hell [AOB/LGBT+/mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now