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Oliver wakes up to the sight of a bassinet at his bedside.  He's unsurprised, unlike the first time he saw it, and carefully peers over the edge to spy on his pup.  She's still sleeping soundly, swaddled tightly with a cap on her head of hair keeping her tiny ears warm.  He reaches out a finger and traces her round rosy cheek tenderly.  She turns her face, searching his touch as she savors her lips.  He huffs a small breath of amusement before pulling his hand away.

"We need a name for her."

Oliver looks at the alpha and nods.  It's been three days and their pup still doesn't have a name.  He never thought he'd make it this far so he never bothered to think of one, trusting his alpha to come up with something.  But now they both share the responsibility of naming her and it feels like such a heavy weight.  What if she hates it? What if, when she grows up, she is no longer she?  He's lived through that and he hated every second of it the moment he understood who he was as a person.

A name, though beautiful and meaningful, can be weaponized.  He doesn't want that, not for her, not for anyone.

"She can change it when she's older if it no longer fits," Oro reasons, sensing his hesitation.

"I know," he sighs. "but that process is such a pain."

He knows, he's lived through it.

"Or we can settle on something neutral for now."

Oliver smiles at that, "Okay... I'd really like that."

There's a brief pause before Oliver finally asks something that has been bugging him, "hey Oro?"

"Hm? Did you think of something already?"

"No, not yet. Just wondering... did you know I was pregnant before I even told you?"

Oro snorts, "yes."

"But you still doubted me... did I not smell like you?"

The alpha looks at him in contemplation.  Oro said some hurtful things to him, the alpha is aware.  He never thought the omega would still be bothered by it, but he supposes an explanation is in order.  At least for that mistrust he put on his omega.  How could he ever doubt him when it came to their pup?

The alpha begins, "There was a beta woman once and she smelled entirely like me, like too much for someone who has no true scent of their own.  She claimed she was pregnant with my pup to dodge a bullet. Thought she could double cross me and then use a pregnancy as a way out.  I had arranged for a doctor's appointment to confirm the pregnancy.  She met me at a bar and said she had a miscarriage."


"She was never really pregnant. I figured that out the hard way, so I can't very well trust my senses, can I?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I made sure she would never be able to pull that shit off again."

"You killed her?"

"Worse," Oro admits, "I let her live, but I ripped out her womb."

Oliver shivers, staring wide-eyed at the man in slight horror.

"I do tend to keep my promises, Oliver."

"I know." And he does. He never once doubted the man.

"Yet you seem to be the exception.  The moment I figured out you were truly pregnant I kept waiting for you to use it against me.  It wouldn't have been the first time. I saw the ultrasounds, by the way, and I did the math.  I knew the pup was mine and still you kept shut until you went behind my back."

Oliver is speechless and overwhelmingly surprised.

"You are the only person I haven't learned how to predict yet.  You infuriate and challenge me.  You bring out both the worst and best parts of me."

The omega flushes, unsure if he should take it as a praise or not.

The alpha cups his cheek and brings him close for a kiss, "think about what you mean to me, Oliver."

Oliver nods, getting a shy and flustered before he clears his throat, "I think I know what I want to name our daughter."

"Tell me."

"Verlee.  She's my truth."

"Ver," Oro smiles, "I like it."

Oliver beams and then their moment is shattered by little feet running inside.  Oliver opens his arms for the little body crawling toward him only for the pup to be detained and assaulted with tickles by his father.

"Daddy!" Manny squeals.

"You have to be careful, pup," the alpha chastises.

"But papi doesn't have the baby!"

"He's still recovering, pup, so you still need to be careful.  Remember what the doctor said."

Manny sighs, flopping down before carefully cuddling against Oliver under the watchful eye of the alpha.

"Hi papi," he coos.

"Hey baby," Oliver smiles, "I love you."

"Love you too papi... and you too daddy," Manny giggles.

"Yeah, back at you pup."

Oliver rolls his eyes at the alpha before pulling him into their little puppy pile until a soft cry draws their attention.  Oro stops the omega from moving.  He picks up the baby and coos at her before handing her off.

"Hi there, Verlee," Oliver soothes.


"Yeah, Manny, that's the pup's name."

"Verlee," the toddler repeats experimentally, "Ver."

Oliver looks at him with his breath held in anticipation.

"I like it!" The young pup grins.

"There you go, Manny approved."

Oliver feels light, lighter than he's ever felt since his world flipped upside-down.

"Thank you."

It's so full of meaning and Oro isn't sure if it's really meant for him, but Manny answers for the both of them anyway.

"You're welcome, papi!"

Through Hell [AOB/LGBT+/mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now