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Oliver wakes up in his bedroom a little dazed, the smell of happy omega and alpha clinging to the very walls of his home and sinking into his bones makes him and everything around fuzzy.  The alpha isn't there, but he's not too torn about it.  Instead of contemplating what-ifs, he sits up only to wince at the feel of something very much still buried inside him.  With a confused frown he rubs his fingers down the lips of his pussy until he probes at his entrance to find a toy, a plug?


His phone buzzes right beside him and he blindly reaches for it with his not so sticky hand, a yawn tearing through him and making his eyes watery prevents him from seeing the text right away.

He reads the message after scrubbing his face from lingering sleep, heart skipping a beat when he sees Oro's name at the top.

There's a car waiting outside for you.

He's in the midst of thinking about what to reply when a knock on his apartment door startles him and he looks around wildly before slipping on some sweats over bruised hips and throwing on the alpha's jacket for warmth.

He opens the door hastily to find a large beta man impatiently waiting, tapping his foot in what he thinks is irritation.

"H-Hi," he stammers.

"We are late.  Alpha Oro does not appreciate being kept waiting."

"I... Yeah totally get it, but I need to shower and uh get dressed," Oliver states.

The beta wrinkles his nose as he gives the small omega a once over, "make it quick."

Oliver doesn't move from his spot, should he offer the beta to come in?

No, that's weird.

And he has a feeling Oro will be pissed.

The beta seems to be thinking the same as he waves in the general direction of outside, "Outside, red Tesla."

The man walks away with heavy footsteps and only after he's gone does Oliver close the door.  He heads for the bathroom and grabs a washcloth.  He doesn't feel like showering, but he needs to get rid of the feeling of sweat and sex off of his skin.  He wets the cloth in warm water and squirts some lavender body wash on it before rubbing down his body from the grime and dry cum and slick.

He wrings the cloth until it's free of suds and bubbles and passes it over his thighs and arms one last time. He bites his lip as he hesitates over the plug currently clenched within the walls of his core.  He debates on taking it out.  No.  His alpha did it for a reason, he trusts his alpha.

Stupid, he thinks to himself, his omega is so stupid.

He heads back to his room and gets black basket ball shorts, knee high socks, and a white tee.  he slips into some warm ugg slippers and dons the alpha's jacket.

He grabs his keys and locks his apartment up before heading outside.  True to his word the beta is waiting for him in a red Tesla.  His breath hitches in surprise as a particular step causes the plug to jostle and press just right.

He needs to take a moment to squeeze his thighs together and breathe through the rush of oxytocin in his system.  He gets his breathing under control enough to walk toward the car again.  

The man jumps out and hurries around to open the back door for him.  Oliver smiles gratefully before dipping inside and buckling up.

He feels like the drive shouldn't have been as long as it was.  But he can tell the beta is trying to throw Oliver off, trying to confuse him so he can't retrace his steps.  He briefly wonders if he isn't being kidnapped and that thought it quickly tossed out the window when they arrive.

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