nervous tick / bad habit

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~ what you when you get nervous // or \\ a bad habit you can't break ~


You were famous for biting your nails. You weren't the one to wear nail polish because you barely had nails to paint. Tony knew when you were nervous because he wasn't the biggest fan of the sound of nail biting. Thankfully it was something he could overlook (seeing as he had his own ticks that bothered you).


You cleaned everything. Nothing was dirty when you got never-wracking news. Once, Steve came home to a sparkling, rearranged house...and you having a nervous breakdown. Although it was bad that it was a nervous tick, it had its benefits. All the dishes were washed, the clothes were cleaned, and the whole house felt fresh.


You grab with Bruce's fingers and begin to fiddle with them. When in the lab, it's common for you to slam down your phone and mess with Bruce's free hand. You'll vent and Bruce will nod in assurance. He'll occasionally kiss your hand to put you at ease.


You tap your foot repeatedly. Whether to the beat of a song, or to your own tempo, your foot was never still. Thor always laughs, seeing you talking to Sif or Odin and your foot is tapping away. While on Midgard for long periods of time, you aren't opposed to the occasional tap class. At least when your foot moves spastically, it can be less aggravating for those around you.


You lock yourself in the closet. During your years in Russia, you lived in the slums and a dangerous neighborhood. Therefore, when something bad happened outside, you hid in the closet so no one could find you and hurt you. Unfortunately, it's carried into your adult life. When a large anxiety attack takes over, you hide in your closet. Bucky has come home many times to find you crying in the closet.


You messed with the hem of your shirt. Pulling the base of it or just messing with a loose string was a sign of your panic. You weren't sure where it came from, but all you know is you have ruined many shirts from it. Realizing this was a habit, Clint would take your hands in his and kiss them like crazy. This have the bad thoughts float away, and giggles would pop out of your mouth.

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