[ mental health week ]

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hello, it's Olivia, your awesome author who hasn't updated in like a month....okay almost two.

It's been an interesting two months, I'm not going to lie. I've actually been writing a lot! I just haven't published anything. There's an Avengers Private High School AU, featuring Stucky, rude Tony Stark, lovable Marvel characters and references, and an awkward protagonist. There's a Drabble book strictly filled with one ship I love to pieces ( any guesses?). Then there's a Jurassic World fic I've kind of worked on.

Anyway, enough about my crappy stories. I wanted to talk to you guys about mental health week. It was this past week, and I've been mighty thankful for it. I've got severe anxiety, diagnosed by a therapist. I went to therapy for just shy of a year before being released into the world, branded as healthy enough to get some stuff done.

Months later, I sit here and fight the battle of anxiety. I'm slowly reverting back and it hasn't been pretty. I can't write anything for this book, I'm freaking out over normal social situations, and I'm regretting every decision I make.

Please understand that I love you guys, and thank you for the support you've given to this book. I swear I'm returning. I'm going back to therapy in January, and I swear to the Lord, I'm coming back to this book that day. You guys deserve regular updates again.

Over the week, I've been reminded others have the same problem as I do, or even have it worse. Then it dawned on me that some of you may feel the way I feel, or feel pain in similar ways. If there are ever any problems and you need a sounding board, PLEASE feel free to message me.

I love you all so much, and I am incredibly sorry I have yet to update a real update. Thank you for sticking with this book, even if it meant not sticking by me. Again, I LOVE YOU!

- Olive

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