movie series???

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first: omg sorry if "He Sees You Crying" actually hurt anyone. I thought of it and wanted to see how you guys would react. Do I regret it? No. Am I sorry if it hurt anyone? Yes.

Understand it was just a joke! Trust, I cried as hard as you did. Really.

two: I had a thought. What if I did a series of preferences where each couple was like a famous movie couple? Like let's use Bucky.

It would be like Bucky and [You] are from 27 Dresses. You have 27 dresses and he is the quirky journalists. Though it would be tailored to each pairing. Does that make ANY sense? Plus the endings may differ.

If you do like it, what pairings/movies should I do? It can include other Marvel guys, but you can say Avengers guys. Just an idea.

Thank you for not totally killing me after the last chapter. Sorry about that again!


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