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It had been five days, and you had never felt a heartbreak to this degree before. It was all over the news that Tony had been caught cheating on you with a supermodel. Thankfully Clint and his girlfriend were very understanding and were willing to help you. You wouldn't allow yourself to mop around. Every morning, you got up before the couple, made them breakfast, and left for work before they got up. You pulled your weight around the house while you were their. Instead of being sad, you focused on your work. You would arrive at work and have to be the one to open the building because you were there so early. Today was not exception, and you got to work once you were in the building. It was about lunch time when a coworker popped their head in to see if you were there.

"Hey Y/N, there's a delivery for you." They said before leaving. You were confused. You weren't expecting a package for another week. But who doesn't love early delivery?! You put down your papers and leave your office. As you made it to the front of the building, you notice quite a commotion going on. Once you make it there, you stand still.

There stood Tony Stark, holding a large bouquet of flowers and a box in his hands. You wanted to cry, hug him, slap him, and run all at the same time. You do none of the above and slowly approach him. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks like he hasn't slept in a week. Even his suit was wrinkled.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but the biggest was letting you slip away from me. I know what I did was completely out of wrong, and I don't expect you to forgive me, but know that I am sorry and that I love you more than anything." His voice cracked a bit towards the end, and you couldn't hold back your emotions. Tears trickle down your cheeks. You quickly hug him and cry in his chest. He drops the stuff in his hands and wraps his arms around you.

"I love you Tony, but please don't break my heart again." You pleaded, looking up at him. He smiled and kissed you.

"I promise I will never break your heart."


You fixed your dress again and looked at the box in your hands. You shift it so you could use your hand to knock on the door. Your knock was short and sweet, and it only took a few moments before the door had opened. There stood Bucky in pajamas, being his regular self. He smiled at you and held the door open for you.

"I assume your here for Steve?" He asked. You stopped and turned to him. Your smile turned to a sad one, and you nodded your head.

"Yeah. I need to apologize. Thanks for letting him stay here." You say as you look down. A metal arm wrapped around your shoulder.

"It's fine. Go get your soldier boy." Bucky said and pointed the way to the spare bedroom. You slowly made it to the room and heard ragged breathing. Your heart sunk a little at the thought of Steve being sad because of you. You knock on the door and listen closely.

"Go away, Buck." A raspy voice called out. You chuckled sadly.

"Buck's not here, would you like to leave a message?" You joked, trying to be funny, but just sounding sad. You heard the breathing stop and a body hit the floor. Some rustling sounds were heard then the door flew open.

"Y/N?" A flustered Steve asked. His hair was askew and he was in sweatpants.

"Hey Cap," You happily whispered. Steve's face suddenly had a huge grin on it, and you felt one on yours.

"I really missed you. I'm sorry I flipped out, and we can postpone if we need to. I got you something." You say and hold up the present. Steve smiled and took it in his hands.

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